Ok I did it. I made a sewing video... not a very good one, I am not high tech at all, and I only have a regular camera with a movie setting... but I did one nevertheless. And here it is.
And here are the resulting cards. :) Made using YUMMY papers by My Mind's Eye from their Be Loved and Ooh La La collections. Love THIS die cut sheet, and THIS polka paper especially. Gorgeous.

Supplies: PP - My Mind's Eye, Rub-Ons - Cosmo Cricket
For this card, I made my own felt stitched heart. I also added some light stamping to the die-cut using a Hero Arts flourish stamp.

Supplies: PP - My Mind's Eye, Rub-Ons - Cosmo Cricket
For this card, I made my own felt stitched heart. I also added some light stamping to the die-cut using a Hero Arts flourish stamp.
Supplies: PP and die-cut - My Mind's Eye; Stamp - Hero Arts; Rub-on - Cosmo Cricket; Gem - Papermania
So - there's my 2nd ever video. Hope you have a good weekend.
P.S. Have you've seen my new challenge?
Great video,and the cards are beautiful.
Great video, Lucy! Wonderful tips, beautiful cards... and hearing your voice makes me miss our Skype talks. :(
Love your video's Luce....your Voice is ever so SWEET.....just Like you!
Your sewing is always just perfect....
Great video! Your voice is lovely but I guess we all hate the sound of our own voice recorded LOL!
Oh how I wish I had that sewing machine - so much better than mine!
Such A BRILLIANT video-clear and precise! I just need a sewing machine now...
Cute video and card, thanks for the tutorial! What a good seamstress you are!!
LOVE this video...I have to build up the courage to use my mother in laws machine.......your voice is SWEET!
You're MUCH too hard on yourself! The close up view was very helpful! Much appreciated!
Sharon D. from Canada
The video was wonderful and I love that you filmed it close up, too. Stitching adds so much to a card and you did a great job with these!
Thanks for a really helful video Lucy - my machine just won't stitch on card no matter what I do! i think I ruined it doing patchwork! It does make nice holes though!!!! Jo x
Great tips and video, Lucy! Now I wish I had my sewing machine with me here in Florida so I could do some practicing! Stitching does add such great detail to a card, I should do it more often.
Excellent video.
Great video, thanks for sharing. Love the video... amazing stitching. Hope you have a great weekend.
GREAT video! Can't wait to see more! I love the cards you created, too! I agree- your voice is so sweet, but so are you so that is no surprise!
Thanks for sharing Lucy. You did a marvelous job!
lisa a.
Thanks for sharing Lucy. You did a marvelous job!
lisa a.
I love your voice. You were very clear and you make me want to add stitching to my cards.
Thanks for a great Video Lucy. Love both of your cards.!
Great video and lots of useful tips - thanks for sharing! By the way, quick question - what size needle do you use? Am worried about damaging my machine. Thanks.
Hi Nicole - I haven't changed the needle since I got the machine - it was the one the machine came with - and I've been using it for about a year now... I don't think I've done any damage... But I honestly couldn't tell you what size it is. Sorry.
Fun to hear/see you! Just exactly like I do my stitching - but I don`t care that much about the perfection :) Never cared if I damage the machine either - can this happen when stitching on paper ??? I love your cards - this stitching on the little heart is amazing!
Thanks for share your tips and techniques now in videos too!
You did it great! Nice voice, a lot of tips and not useless speach...
Waiting for more!
Btw, both cards are beautiful, as always...
My goodness! At last a video from you and an intelligent and useful one at that! Your narrative is head and shoulders above all the rest. The sewing tutorial was aptly done. Just perfect, Lucy. BTW, what kind (brand) of sewing machine is yours? Mine's over 30 years old and a huge pain to switch from zig-zag to straight stitching. I think I want one like you have. Anyway, it was delightful to hear you at last and to see such a helpful video. You MUST do more! Hugs.
Great cards and video, Lucy. I love the look of stitching on cards, but my sewing machine and I don't get along too well. At the moment it is unthreaded and footless!
Well done Lucy! A lovely, high-quality video on stitching!
beautiful cards! i was so excited to see this video you made on stitching ... thank you! love your accent :) you've inspired me to give it another go.
thanks Lucy! I found that really useful to see you actually doing the stitching. you explained it so clearly.
I hope you will perhaps do more videos soon maybe on using digital images for beginners!
Hi Lucy, Great video :D. Your cards look fantastic.
Great video Lucy and your voice is just so adorable. The cards turned out so great.
Great video Lucy! Thanks for doing this. I've been wanting to see exactly how it's done - and if there were any tricks. :) Love your cards too!
Lucy I love to hear your voice! It's so lovely! :> Great stitching! I keep meaning to do so on my cards my mom is a proffesional taylor and has a machine for me and everything! :>
Thanks Lucy, this is a really helpful video. I've been attempting some machine stitching and your tips will really help a lot. btw, your voice is beautiful (cold and all).
Gorgeous cards Lucy and thanks for the great video. Lots of great tips in it. Hope you get over your cold soon - your voice sounds lovely with or without a cold!
Thank you so much for the video, Lucy! I never thought of to use the hand wheel (or whatever it's called) to set your fist stitch! That's why I get crazy first stitches sometimes and now I know the trick to make it look as good as yours!! Thank you so much for sharing! LOVE your yummy cards and you are right those pps are soooooo lovely! Hope you are feeling better! =)
Thanks for the video! Your cards are so beautiful and inspiring. Makes me wanting to crawl up to the attic and fetching my grandma's old sewing machine...well, I just might do that. BTW - you have a PERFECT video voice, really soft and nice to listen at. TFS!
Lovely video, Lucy! You sounded great to me with no trace of a cold...Great idea to stitch on the panel and then attach to the base. Genius, actually! I'm gonna dust off my Singer tomorrow and play--thank you!
Welldone Lucy, love your video & the cards are very pretty!!
ah... love to hear your voice. adore you - great video!
Lucy, your sweet voice matches your sweet self. Fantastic video!
What beautiful cards! I love your video - thank you so much for doing it for us!!
Thank you so much Lucy - your video is fabulous, just like your stitching!! Stunning cards as always!!! Kate x
Thanks for the great video. Love how you hide the threads, and give attention to where you start sewing. Great explanation. And love your accent!
I think I can do that. hanks for the inspiration!
YOu're so talented, Lucy! THis video is so great! Thanks especially for the explanation about the corners and turning around the card!
Lucy! You are the cutest. That was a great video. Thank you for sharing.
Lucy, Thanks so much for the video...I love the idea of pulling the threads through! Your little text boxes on the video made me smile too!
I'm here from Jennifer McGuire's blog. Great video! Now that you made it look so easy I'm going to pick up a little craft sewing machine for my cards...your cards are gorgeous! Congrats on getting published...I have yet to find the current Stamp It! magazine in my little town, but I'll keep looking. :)
I found you through Jen McGuire's blog as well, and I'm so glad I did! What a great video with loads of super tips - especially the finishing off...brilliant! Two questions...what type of thread do you use? I love the look of it! And...what size do you set your zig zag for? It's perfect!
I will be a regular now...thanks again!
Who knew that I would ask you on Flickr about your stitching & then I found your video here! :) Great video & so fun to see how you create your perfect stitches...still wondering on the brand of your machine. I have an ancient...really ancient...machine. :) Would love to have your input on yours...when you have a chance. Hope all is well, dear friend! :)
Thanks so much for the very helpful video. I'm a novice when it comes to sewing and have been having trouble rounding corners and finishing off. I'm going to usee the techniques you recommended next time I sew on a card.
Great video Lucy! I must say I just love your accent! (and the term 'wonky' - never heard that one before!). Beautiful cards and the video was very helpful - sewing on cards intimidates me...
Oh Lucy... I knew you were somewhere in the UK but I was totally surprised when I heard your beautiful accent -- silly me!! Great video!! and beautiful cards like ususal!!
Hi Lucy! I loved your video!!! And I must tell you that I hate my voice too, ugh.
Big HUGE hugs and keep making them! :)
can u believe that I just sat down to watch this...loved it and love you...you are just to darn adorable. I never thought about starting the stitch on the same side of the panel. You are awesome. xx,Kathy
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