My GOODNESS it's been a long time since I last posted.
Let me explain myself...
I seem to have lost my mojo. I am HOPING it means that my little baby is sapping all my creativity because she/he is going to be unbelievably creative and artistic. :) But basically, I am not in the mood. Part of it is that I still can't go into my studio due to the smells. Now I am heading towards 17 weeks I am hoping that'll pass... I am starting to be interested again. Today at school a rainbow of paper was delivered and I felt my heart rate increase just a little... I think it's a sign that I may be coming out the other side of this strange tunnel of not crafting.
And today, for the first time in months, I felt like blogging!!!
Sadly, I don't have much to share, but here is a card I had published in the new Paper Crafts magazine... I hope it's better than nothing!

Sorry I have no brand new cards to offer, but I do hope that sharing some recent publications will keep you faithful followers going until I am back. You've been so loyal!!!
Thanks for all your messages and kindness.
I have NOT forgotten my giveaways - the stuff is stuck in the studio... all over the floor... and I'll get to it just as soon as I can.
Have a great day, and I'll be back again soon. Honest.
SuppliesHave a great day, and I'll be back again soon. Honest.
Hi Lucy, I was so pleased to see this post today, I have been wondering when you would feel well enough . Its a beautiful card and congrats on being published again. So pleased to hear your exciting news!!!!
Always glad to see your posts. Hope you're soon feeling better.
Look after yourself my love!
Enjoy your pregnancy xxxx
Welcome back to the blogging world! Enjoy this season of pregnancy. It will be well worth it in the end. :)
Hello Lucy,
Would you believe it? I was thinking of you yesterday and also visited your blog for some inspiration (-; And today, well - here you are with this beautiful card! I love the colours, felted butterflies and the stiching.
Hope that this pregnancy-sickness is leaving you soon (even it's for a good cause...)
I am looking forward to see more of your recent publications.
Bye for now,
I can sympathize. I think misplaced my creative energy during my pregnancy too. I still had plenty of ideas, but very little energy to make them come to life. I figure all of my energy was contributing to a new little life, so it was a fair trade.
I hope some of your energy comes back and your sensitivity goes away so you can enjoy your studio now.
Lovely card!
Hope you're feeling better soon, and you won't be troubled by the 'side-effects' of pregnancy ;)
Absolutely LOVE this card!! Don't ever apologize!
Sorry to hear you are still in the throws of first trimester pregnancy issues! Fatigue is a big issue (though I didn't suffer from it too badly) but boy did I have smell issues!!! I can totally relate :) Hang in there!!
Such a pretty card Lucy. I remember having similar problems during pregnancy, but it's worth it in the long run. They say the more sick you feel the healthier the baby! I don't know about that but I do know it passes eventually and with a new perspective on life comes a new perspective on your creativity. Exciting! Hope you're feeling better soon. Hugs :)
just keep taking care of yourself and that baby!
great card, and glad you checked in!
Hello there!
It was lovely to see that your blog mojo is beginning to return - hopefully it won't be too long before you can venture into your studio again! xox
So nice to hear from you've been missed. Gorgeous card. Take care and these smell sensation will go away slowly.
Sending you loads of hugs! Take care and hope all your mojo comes back many time over!!
I checked here daily to see when you'd be back, Lucy and I'm so excited to see you here, today! Obviously your loyal followers feel the same way. Gestation is hard and zaps everything out of you and SMELLS - OMG, try being a chef and pregnant! Can't wait to see what you create now that your mojo is back. Feel well hun!!
Take your time Lucy! This is the beginning of the most important and life changing time of your life! You'll be ready, when you are ready!
So good to hear that you are feeling a little better. Take it easy and mind yourself.
What a nice surprise to see a post from our dear Lucy today! Your card is gorgeous! I've missed you terribly, but understand what you are going through! Take your time, post when you can, and we'll be here whenever you get back! Hugs!!!
That's a gorgeous card and I'm pleased to see you back in the world of blogging, it made my day to see a card from you.
So delighted to see a post from you today Lucy! Just take care of yourself and that little baby inside of you! Everyone completely understands and we'll still be here when you get back, whenever that is! Until then, we'll just miss you and be so happy for you all at once!
What a pretty card!!
Just take care of yourself and the lil' one....1st trimester is always the hard one!
So glad you to hear from you...I'm sure you've enough upcoming publications to fill in !
Good to hear from you. I'm glad your doing fine except from the smell thingy. Take care.
welcome back! This card is another lovely creation... TFS and I hope this is a sign that you will be back full force soon :)
So nice to hear from you Lucy and I'm sure you'll be feeling perkier soon. Everyone gets a little burned out from time to time I think. I've barely done anything for the last couple of months except for a promised invitation project, so I know how you feel. Then suddenly, you get the urge again -- they say :)
Your card is beautiful Lucy. Love the simplicity of it and as always love what you can do to a sheet of kraft cardstock. Lol. Just take care of yourself sweetie and we will be waiting when you get back. Hugs.
It´s so good to hear from you again!
Love your card!
I'm so happy that everything is OK. It was strange to have no news from you. Soon you'll know if is a boy or a girl. and he/she will kick you sweetly (I loved that as log as it was not too painful).
Enjoy this time, are only 23 weeks left.
I'm simply so glad for you that you're carrying a baby that I don't mind you not posting much. I've been there so I know what's it like to be sensible to stuff you normally not even notice! have seen your beautiful card in the mag and went to see it online. Take care of you and the little one!
Love the card , Congratulations!!
Hope you feel more 'normal' again soon. look after yourself x
Hi Lucy!
So sorry to hear the smells and lack of mojo are still bugging you, but more important things to pay your attention to now, and yep, I'm sure your kid will be very creative! Loooove this card you're sharing! So pretty!!
Hugs, Wendy
Lucy, take care of you, not us! Been thinking about you. Love this sweet card - so typically you. Thanks for all you do!
Lucy just half an hour ago I was looking at this card in the issue!!!! So funny! Love it! :> Congrats! And I so understand how you feel with the no mood to craft, I felt the exact same way when I was pregnant with my son!!!! I hope it comes back and fast!
Hi Lucy! So nice to hear from you! I've been wondering how you're doing. I saw this wonderful card in the new issue and love it! Hope you are able to get crafty soon. . .we miss you and your talent! Hugs! :)
Creating life is hard work! Take it easy :)
Nothing like new paper (or ribbon!) to set the heart a pitter patter...does it for me, too. Glad to hear you and the wee one are getting to know each other. All the best to you both!
So glad to hear from you Lucy and to know all is well and you are getting your mojo back!!!! Miss you! Hugs TRace
So glad to hear you are starting to feel is all temporary, just remember that! Your card is lovely...adore the kraft and pink! Hope you feel back to yourself soon...untl then, take care!
Great to have some news from you!
Your body is leading the way and
telling you just what you need to do
as you prepare for your little one.
Take good care!!
Lovely card Lucy! Glad to hear your feeling a little better!
Glad to hear your starting to feel the craftiness creeping back. Take your time...we'll be here when you're ready!
So glad to see your post, Lucy, I was getting a little concerned. Take as much time as you need, we'll all still be here. Sending hugs!
Have you tried putting some Vick's Vapor Rub under your nose? This really works - the menthol in the Vick's really does block odours out. Take care of 'both of you' now. ;-)
Hi Lucy! So good to see you posting again--love your card! Take good care....Hugs!
OMGoodness! Congrats on your pregnancy! Hopefully soon your mojo will return...but then you probably won't have any time! ;)
Nice to hear you're doing well! Hope you're feeling crafty again soon!
Yay! She lives!!! Wonderful card, Lucy, and we're so happy to hear from you. I do hope that you're starting to come out the other side of this dreadful illness you have been experiencing. No doubt that your little one is going to be born with some sort of special gift of his/her own (it's my personal belief that we all are; we just have to discover what it is). Anyway, it's good to know that you're okay and that eventually you'll be back with us.
So excited to see your post! Glad you are feeling a bit better. Your card and post brightened my day. Sending hugs to you and that little creative one of yours. :)
Not to worry, just take care of yourself and baby and we will keep popping in.
I'm so glad you're back, I missed your lovely cards. You always gave me inspiration And Muse.
Great to see you in the blogosphere, Lucy!! Hope you continue to feel a bit better day by day. Take care of yourself & baby! xxx
glad to see things are improving for you Lucy... Take care and enjoy this time.
Welcome back! Glad to hear that all is well. Miss your posts but hey, life happens! Hope your smell sensitivity goes away so you'll come back to us but in the mean time enjoy this exciting time in your life! :)
Love your card and am happy that you are starting to feel a little better. Take care.
glad you are feeling a bit better! I love your card! It is a bright happy one! take care!
Lucy, how wonderful to see your post this morning.
The fact your heart rate did increase at the sight of the paper is very promising indeed - LOL. Love your card, it is beautiful.
Good to see you posting again Lucy. If you think about it you're still busy creating right now... creating a brand new person rather than beautiful cards!
We'll all be here waiting for you to come and play again when you feel able. Big happy hugs, Jo x
yea! I was so happy to see you pop into my inbox today with this gorgeous card!
Wishing you all the best!
Take care!
So glad to see you post again. I missed your blog, your cards, and your talent. I hope baby will let you actively create real soon. Take care of yourself and enjoy the journey of this special time in your life. Rest now - while you can!!
Hi Lucy,
So glad to hear from you. Don't worry about your Mojo, it will be back in good time. It's mother nature's way of making sure you don't overdue, lol. Your card is just lovely. When you are ready there will be more and your faithful followers will be right here.
Such a beautiful card and so nice to see your blog again. I pray that you feel better everyday and that your mojo finds its way back to you. You have so much talent to share! Again, what a beautiful card.
Why on EARTH are you apologising girl! We totally understand. This will pass, as will the missing mojo. It's on it's way back. Mojo is like a boomerang! It leaves your hands, but eventually, it returns and whatever you create will be wonderful, I'm sure of it. 'See' you soon! xxx
Yay! I'm happy to see you pop back up! Great card! Your mojo will come back and you'll be happy and creative!
Great to see you back! even just for a bit...
glad to see you, a very pretty card!A+
Hi Lucy, it's always great to see a new post from you. Your lack of mojo can certainly be excused as you are using up so much energy {creating} a new life! We will all be here waiting anxiously for's good to hear from you!
so happy for you! the uckiness has to pass soon! cuz...I miss your posts honey! eat! and eat some really helps!
hang in there sweets. It'll all pass. your body is experiencing so many changes. Enjoy the process. Soon it will be worth it once that little bundle is in your arms. We will be here....I promise! ;)
I know how you feel [the smell thing not the baby thing, since that plan is unfulfilled as of yet ;)] I'm so sensitive to every smell since living in a mold infestation. We went chemical free & have never looked back! As for your sweet new one, I just know he/she will be creative since I'm sure your kind of talent must be genetic! In the meantime, hopefully the missing mojo doesn't cause you too much heartache. I'll wait, happily. You're SO worth it! And this next idea sounds nutso, but it works for me... if you just can't keep yourself from crafting, maybe try a dust mask that's high quality? Take care o' you. Hugs :)
P.S. You're card is amazing just like You! :)
Great to see you back, take your time.hugs Linda x
Beautiful card Lucy !! as always. Don't worry this will all pass, and you will be back to your self soon!! Take care of you and your little one, you know we will all still be here.
Beautiful card Lucy, glad things are getting better for you
Such a pretty card, Lucy! Pregnancy is such a happy place - even with the smells, the fatigue, the "icky" feelings. Just anticipating the new little one is such a thrill. Your mojo will return and we will be looking for your sweet cards then!
Soooo glad to see you back, if only occasionally! You are one of my favorites and I have missed you! I would check my email every day to see if you were back! Today, you made me very happy! Hope you will be feeling better soon. My daughter is pregnant too and has just recently passed all the "sick" stage of her pregnancy, so there is hope for you! :) Best wishes to you and your family as you await your new arrival!
Lucy it's so good to at least hear from you. Boy the body can go through some changes and I hope you get your mo jo back soon. Once the wee one is here you will be busy hope to see some of your wonderful cards before that happens, but main thing is to take care you will know when the time is right hugs and miss your inspirations.
Feel better soon, Lucy.
So happy to hear from you ..i have been thinking often off you and also looked on your blog if there was some news(thought maybe my subscriber was not working).
Do hope you are feeling a bit better every week will get the biggest gift there is after 40 weeks!
1/3 down & 2/3 left.
I can sympathise with the pregnancy issues, I myself was sick through both pregnancies. I was psychologically & emotionally drained and it didn't matter what I smelt I was sick up to the last hour before delivery.
My love & thoughts are with you.
welcome back :)
good to hear that your getting better
Oh sweetie lovely to hear from you...hope you feel like crafting soon. I felt just like that with both my girls until around 22 weeks and after that it got much better! :) Hugs to you sweetie x
So glad you are back, have been checking the web site periodically. Take good care of you and the little one.
So glad to see your post this morning. I hope this is the beginning of the end of feeling miserable. Looking forward to more inspiration from you. Take care of you.
That's funny, when I was pregnant, I couldn't craft either. It passed only after I gave birth...
Enjoy the pregnancy, we will wait for you and the baby :-)
Welcome back Lucy!! Sorry to hear that your pregnancy is making you deal with a "smell issue"! Both of mine did the same thing! Every odor bothered me and I walked around for 8 1/2 months with a tissue coated with Vicks held up to my nose!
Good luck with it all! I'm happy to see your back and hope you feel well to create again! I love seeing your cards!!
Really neat card. The stitches are very cool.
Yay that you are posting! sure do hope the over sensitive smelling phase pass soon! =) beautiful card as always. love the felt butterfly!
Dear Lucy,
It was so good to see a post from you today. Beautiful card, as usual! I wonder about you everyday and hope things are going well for you and that growing baby! Praying that you will continue to feel good and find that "mojo" again soon!
Angie in Utah
I'm just glad to know that your health is okay and that your sweet little one is doing well. If it takes a while for you to get back in your craft room, well, that's just the way it is. Your loyal followers aren't going anywhere. I had to take a couple of weeks off because of a severe case of poison ivy myself so even though it was a shorter time period, I can relate to the feeling of not being interested in crafting. Just take care of yourself and hopefully you'll be ready soon.
The design just rallied my spirits! I love pink and you made it lovelier with this creation! Take care of yourself please and we will be here waiting for your comeback and I can't wait to see your new creations! God Bless!
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