Sunday 29 March 2009

Shaker card video

Below is a video I made demonstrating my shaker cards.  It is for Donna :)  The tablecloth you can see is the one I spilled Gamsol on - amazingly, it came out!!!  This is my craft space a.k.a. the dining table.


Paula said...

Wow Lucy, this video is great!!! I loved it. It's good to hear what you sound like.

donna mikasa said...

Oh, LUCY!!! LOVE IT, LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! It's like you're right in the room with, I'm in the room with YOU! Haha!! Oh, thank you so much for doing that just for ME! I love hearing your lovely's so charming. I may start talking that way!!!! Lovely!!! Thank you!!!!!!

Diana said...

So fun Lucy. Way to go!

Pia said...

Thanks for sharing this Lucy! So much fun to see your wonderful shaker cards in action!

Tiffany Ervin said...

Lucy, you are such a doll!!! Oh my, I finally get to hear your cute voice for the first time...oh! Love all your shaker cards - and don't worry, my crafting space you don't even want to know the mess! ;)

Pippa67 said...

Lucy, this is wonderfull. I liked so much to hear your voice with the English accent. Just love your country, been there since 1980. And love your workspace, poor fiance, but hé if you are making such a beautifull cards, it's oke isn't?

Diana said...

This shaker card is just darling Lucy. Love your cards!

Kelly Booth said...

LOVE LOVE your Voice and your Cards...I think I'll be like Donna and start talking that CUTE!!
Don't worry about the mess only gets worse!!LOL!