Sunday 12 January 2014

It's a Girl!

Baby news!!!
My baby arrived on the afternoon of Monday 6th January, a little girl weighing 8lb 4oz (seriously, 80% of that weight MUST BE in her cheeks!!).
We have called her Sophie.
Happily, we were able to leave hospital on the same day and we are both doing really well at home, snuggling and getting to know each other.
Lily is besotted. She just wants to kiss her ALL THE TIME. Poor Sophie. :)
And here she is, my little chubby cheeked sweetie.
 I'll be popping in with cards again soon - I promise!
Until then, thanks for visiting.


Ros Crawford said...

Many Congratulations!! What a beautiful baby!!

Anita said...

Congratulations with this beautiful daughter.
Enjoy all she gives you.


Estellita said...

Really, she is beautiful !!!
Look at those eyes !!! and that face !!!

Congratulations !!!
Estelle from France

Petti said...

Congrats on the arrival of Sophie! Rest well and take care Lucy!

Anonymous said...

Omg Lucy she's adorable! Congratulations to you all and hope you're doing well!

Vicki x

Amy N said...

congratulations to all of you! ! Sophie is absolutely gorgeous and I do love her cheeks! !!!!!!!!!

Betty said...

what a beautiful little girl - love her chubby cheeks - best wishes to all of you!

Ellen said...

Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl! Lots of luck for you and your familiy.

CinnamonSally said...

She is gorgeous Lucy!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Paula S said...

Congratulations! She is so precious. Glad to hear you both are doing well.

MJ said...

Just stunning! What a beautiful baby! Congratulations. So much joy!

snappy scrappy said...

Congrats!!! What a sweetie!!

rcwidow (Linda) said...

Congrats! Adorable!

Leslie Hanna said...

Congratulations! Love that name, too. :)

Linny said...

Congratulations and what a beauty. Company for Lily while you create, lol. hugs Linda x

pcm said...

gorgeous! congrats Lucy!

anja curvers said...

Congratulations on your new baby girl and how beautiful she is.........

Lin said...

What lovely news this morning, Lucy! Best wishes to you and your sweet family! Sophie is wonderful!

gRiSeL™ said...

CONGRATULATIONS on the new bundle of joy!!!! She is so beautiful!!!! SO much happiness in one tiny gift!!! Enjoy her and may GOD richly bless her with His best!!! :D

Vicki Dutcher said...

Congratulations -- she is beautiful!!

JosieK said...

She's spectacular!!! Congratulations on the arrival of your newest creation! And Sophie...welcome to the world..blessings to you always!!

Betty Meyskens said...

Congratulations to you and your family on the birth of Sophie - she looks so beautiful!

Laurel said...


Maureen Chandler said...

She is beautiful! Congrats!!! I love the name - she is really a pretty baby!

Pam said...

Congratulations! Sophie is beautiful.

jintyoo7 said...

BRILLIANT news, Lucy - Congratulations, Sophie is beautiful. Glad oy hear you're both doing well.

Judith said...

Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl Sophie. She is lovely.
Hope Lily will have much fun playing with her little sister, when she is older (-:

Anonymous said...

oh ya...a cutie patootie! if u get tired of her...send her to me lol....gorgy gorgy! hope you feel wonderful in a short time, but get your rest...she NEEDS you lol..God Bless you all

cher in MI

denali said...

Oh, she's just gorgeous! Congratulations to the whole family! :)

Lyngo said...

Sophie is beautiful . Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! to you and your family. What a beautiful little girl! ENJOY!

ferrellm said...

Congratulations!! Such a beautiful little girl!

Kathy Camasso said...

She is just beautiful Lucy! Congratulations to all of you!

Christine SD said...

oh it is more beautiful than a card !!
congratulations and joy for all your family !

Marianne said...

Congratulations on your baby girl! She's gorgeous!

Marilyn said...

Congrats! Such a little sweetheart!

Aimes said...

Awwwwww - sending you the biggest congrats, Lucy! Sophie is adorable! I love that Lily is besotted with her and I can totally see why!

Lou said...

Congratulations Lucy, she is just perfect x

Kristie Goulet said...

Congratulations! So sweet!

Marie Bingaman said...

Awwww, congrats! She is soooo sweet! Hope you can capture a pic of Big Sis smoochin' Little Sis...that would be so cute! :)

Yvette said...

Congratulations! Sophie is beautiful!

Becky Jo said...

She is beautiful! Congratulations! Glad to hear you are all doing well. Hugs!!

cheryl l. said...

What a cutie! And home the same day?? Wow! CONGRATS!

Cindy C. said...

Huge congrats Lucy! She is precious! All the best to you and yours, and the new addition to your family!! Hugs!

BlueOrchys said...

Ohhhhh ! She's so cute !! Congratulaions !!!

mollsmum said...

congratulations, what a beautiful baby. Bless you all.

Andrea said...

Congratulations Lucy love from everyone at The Ribbon Girl xx

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your gorgeous bub :)

Shona Chambers said...

Congratulations!! She is absolutely gorgeous and I bet you can't stop hugging and kissing her.

Gail said...

Congrats - she is so cute - I'm impressed you went home the same -are you a super Mum in the making.Relax,rest and enjoy.

Sending hugs

Dawn T said...

Congrats to you, Andy and Lily on the safe arrival of Miss Sophie.

Joyce said...

Precious baby girl. Congrats!

Trish said...

Trish x

Hilde Aaslund aka Scoobie said...

Congrats to the new addition to the family :-)

aaga said...


Phyllis Beaver said...

I, too have two daughters—but now totally grown. Sophie is absolutely beautiful! Enjoy both of them, for they leave the nest so quickly, now that I look back. Rest, regain your strength, and enjoy snuggling with both of them! Best wishes and congratulations to you and to your husband.

Meg said...

Congratulations! I figured Blog silence meant a special delivery. Happy snuggling, she is gorgeous.

snazzyoriginal said...

many congratulations on the safe arrival of another beautiful daughter xx

Ida said...

Is there anything more precious then a new born baby. She's darling and I love those round, chubby cheeks. Congratulations!

Stephanie said...

Even I'm besotted!!!! Sophie is BEAUTIFUL - huge congratulations Lucy and enjoy every second of this precious time :) xxx

Dotty Jo said...

She is simply gorgeous! Big congratulations, Jo x

Deirdre said...

Oh Lucy - so thrilled for you and your hubby - HUGE CONGRATS. So thrilled to read about Sophie's safe arrival. HUGS to you all.

Ute L. said...

Oh, she's so cute. Congratulations! Enjoy every minute.

Mary-Anne V said...

congratulations...Sophie is a beauty!

happyscrappykuhn said...

Congratulations on the newest addition to your family!

cmu said...

Congratulations - hope you're all doing well and aren't too exhausted.

Janet said...

Congrats!! She's beautiful! I love the name.

Kelly Booth said...

I'm late getting the News....Awe...Lucy she is just Precious!! Look at those Cheeks and that Blond hair....Adorable!! Hugs Congrats to you and your Sweet Family!! xoxoxoxo

donna mikasa said...

Belated congratulations to you, Lucy! Sophie is adorable--cheeks and all! Take care and YAY for girls! (I have two!)

Anonymous said...

Marisela Delgad said: Hi, Lucy! Congratulations on your baby girl!Or as we say in Spanish: Felicidades!! What a beautiful baby she is. What a wonderful blessing. Her rosy cheeks are just fine. Did you hear about the 14 pound baby born here in the US (Florida)a few weeks back? Now, that's a BABY. (ha,ha) Congratulations and may the Lord bless you and your beautiful family. your friend in San Antonio, Texas, USA, Marisela Delgado

Lisa Petrella said...

Congratulations, Lucy!!! What a beautiful baby girl! So happy for you!!!

Leni said...

Congratulations to you and your husband! What a beautiful sweet baby! Love her name! Wish you so much happiness!

Anja said...

Congratulations from one mom to the other (my daughter was born in December). Sophie is just so cute ♥ I wish you and your family all the best. Enjoy the time together.
Hugs, Anja

Sheryl said...

Congratulations! That is my DD birthday also. And Sophie is my beloved fur baby's name!

Monica said...

Congratulations on the new addition!

Kailash said...

Congratulations Lucy, your little one is a darling, so precious, enjoy her:-)

Isha Gupta said...

Huge congratulations Lucy!!

Marlou McAlees said...

huge congratulations Lucy :) your little baby is precious, blessings ♥

Lorraine A said...

aww isn't she lovely :-) such a little cutie and she has a beautiful name :-)
Looking forward to seeing more photo's ! :-)

Lols x x x