Thursday 25 July 2013


OK, so I am seriously sorry for my loooooooooooooooong absence.
But I am starting to sketch some designs, and I will be back VERY soon with some cards. Yay!
And what better way to come back than with a giveaway!
I have filled a box with supplies - lots of bits from all sorts of manufacturers - and have it ready to send to a UK winner. 
Sorry it is UK only - the cost of sending abroad has rocketed, and it is too expensive to keep doing international giveaways. But I will do another International one soon, I promise. :)

UK readers: Just leave a comment telling me how you have kept cool over the last month... I need some tips. :)
I'll draw a winner on 1st August.
And I'll be back again soon.
Bye for now.


Froggietalks said...

I am international, so don't count me in the draw, but I am SO GLAD to see you back!

If I could win anything, I'd love to win a bunch of your sketches. I use them when I have no mojo :)

marri_ana said...

Hi Lucy , I am looking forward to your beautiful new creations .Weather has been amazing in London and hopefully it will stay this way longer. I will suggest a water gun for cooling down :)

Karen said...

So glad to see you back. I'm not complaining about the heat, so nice to have it warm and be able to plan a BBQ a few days ahead. When it does get a tad to warm, I have been sitting with my feet in a cool bowl of water and a cold flannel on my neck. I like a sight but cool. haha

Kerry said...

Oh looking forward to seeing your new designs you are such an inspiration.
To keep cool during our heat wave I have been shutting the curtains in my house against the sun and crafting with a long cold drink beside me! Far too hot to do anything more strenuous!xx

Maryann Laursen said...

Good to see you back again.
I agree the postage has gone really crazy the last times, and it makes it really bad to be from a tiny country like me, where we almost have to get everything from abroad, cause it makes everything much more expensive, and like you most wount count us in, when there´s a chance to win anything, but thanks god we can get loads of digital craftings now a days to help us out a bit too.
Hope to see some of your great artwork soon too, it´s been missed for sure.

Lynne C said...

When I'm at home, I fill a hand towel with ice cubes and dab my arms, face and neck with it to keep cool. I've also put a pair of clean socks in the fridge which are lovely and cool in the fridge and I'm keeping some of my make up and perfume in there at the moment.
It's great to see you back Lucy. I hope you and yours are keeping well.

Jocelyn Olson said...

I'm glad you're back! I've missed your awesome cards! (Don't include me in the giveaway--I'm international).

cmu said...

What a lovely surprise to hear from you. Hope everything's ok. I have missed your wonderfully inspiring posts. I kept cool by being on holiday somewhere cooler for two weeks! And now I have lots of windows open. Best wishes.

Karen said...

Welcome back Lucy. I am in the UK and whilst the warmer spell has been nice its been hard sometimes. My profoundly, non verbal Autistic son is almost 10 years old and still in nappies full time so he has really suffered. I have been freezing 2 litre bottles of water and placing them standing up in a dish in front of a oscillating fan for us and this is the next best thing to air con as it moves cold air around instead of warm. Can't wait to see your new creations, stay cool ;)
Karen xx

Ros Crawford said...

Nice to see you back ... Keeping cool ... only one way for me ... stay in my craft room where it is always cool ... Ok, so it's not so warm in the winter but I can wear layers then right?

Brenda Lee said...

Hi Lucy. I'm from the states, so don't count me for this drawing. Just wanted to let you know that it's great to be getting email updates from you again and looking forward to seeing your fabulous cards. You are truly inspirational. I haven't had much time to be crafty, this summer has been busy AND it's going by fast. Hope all is well with you. :)

Susan said...

My tip is to run your wrists under very cold water.
One I read yesterday but haven't actually tried is to leave your loft door/ hatch open to let the heat rise up through there instead of staying trapped (not much use if you have a converted loft though!)

Lou said...

oh it's lovely to see you are back, i look forward to being inspired by your cards. Isn't it lovely to be having such gorgeous weather. At the moment i'm keeping cool by dipping my toes in the boys paddling pool every so often!!

Trish said...

Good to see you back. I'm struggling in this unusual heat also, especially at bed time. The best tip to help with this is to buy cooling gel pads which you place under your sheets... sheer bliss!!
Trish x

Anonymous said...

How lovely to hear from you, you have been missed. My tips for staying cool during our heatwave
1. A battery-operated fan
2. Drink plenty of water
3. Stay calm and craft.
Welcome back.

Wendy M said...

I'm looking forward to seeing more of your lovely cards,they're always so inspirational. As for cooling down tips - the paddling pool with my 15 month old daughter has been my saving grace, entertains the little one and keeps me cool at the same time - win win!

annemarks said...

Welcome back and hope all is going well with motherhood :). I went to bed with 2 ice lblocks a few nights ago and cuddled one and had one on my head! Don't laught though, it worked and I had a good nught's sleep :)

CinnamonSally said...

Hi Lucy, good to see you back. My tip for keeping cool. I bought a childs paddling pool and sit under a parasol in the garden with my feet in the water. Cool ankles means cool me!!!

jintyoo7 said...

Hooray...Lucy's back :)

Looking forward to seeing your cards. Good Luck UK commenters :)

Unknown said...

Hi Lucy
My feet are in the babies paddling pool as we speak! Looking fwd to your fab inspiration.
Gonna rain tomw tho:(
Sarah x

Betty said...

good to see you again. just put a fan on and make cards! i am coming to england in the fall so if by chance you pull my name i can have it sent to my son in london and pick up then.

Jayne said...

Great to have you back. I'm international too but my lovely mum loves to create. She's been coping with the heat by staying inside and stamping!

Jayne said...

Sorry should have said that my mum is in the UK

Cheri Reed said...

So glad you're back that I'm not even disappointed your goodies are UK only. Hope all is well.

Hannah A. said...

Cold, cold, cold drinks. Open windows and an industrial strength fan! :)

jill said...

ice cream of course!

Sarah G said...

Looking forward to seeing your cards again, Lucy - I love your style! I like the heat but ice lollies and cold drinks keep me going :)

Unknown said...

Lots and lots of homemade ice cream!!! My ice cream maker is the best present ever!! Strawberries and Cream flavouring is the best... Of course!!

LMac said...

Have missed your lovely cards.
I think the kids paddling pool, quick dip in with feet. Also fill a water mister with water and keep in the fridge. We have also been making smoothies/ sorbets and ice lollies with the soft fruit from the garden. Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts.

Chrystal said...

Big hat and big sunglasses for outdoors. For heatwave days, I hang my washing in the hottest part of the house and the heat dissipates as it comes through the wet washing. Loads of homemade and bulk bought ice lollies for the family. Love your blog!

Milliesmarvels said...

Hi Lucy, I have missed your cards! I have kept cool by standing in the paddling pool I bought for my dog :-) Hope you will be able to find some time to create soon.


Unknown said...

Hey Lucy! I'm glad to see that your back I actually came onto the blog a few days ago thinking that I had un-subscribed from your blog because I had not been over here in a while!

I actually bought a fan to deal with the heat and I have been drinking loads of water and crafting my way through it. Also having watermelon and melons in the fridge and eating that has helped with the heat over in sunny York,uk.

I hope to see the sketches that you're working on.

