I am blessed with a loving sister, who never fails to amaze (offend) me with her honesty. :)
After a long skype call, we turned the conversation to my cardmaking. She occaisonally browses my blog, like the rest of my non-crafty family, and tonight, happened to comment that one of my cards was the ugliest card she'd ever seen.
How's that for honesty. :)
My husband comes a close second - he ALWAYS says exactly what he thinks.
Still - I guess it's all a matter of taste - how boring would life be if we all liked the same things!
So Emily - this one is for you. What do you think?? And don't feel you have to hold back on account of my feelings ;) I miss you Emily - I really really do.

Anyone out there blessed with a sister who never holds back :)
Too cruel! Misquotation and misinformation! Actually I browse your blog at least every few days, thank you very much! AND I didn't say it was the "ugliest card I'd ever seen." Just that it was ugly!!!! Big difference!
Also, reader, she leaves out the oodles of wonderful praise I had for all the others.
Wouldn't you rather have honest feedback?!?!
And now you have to make me a gorgeous card with all my favourite colours to make me look even more utterly horrid :) Ah well, so it goes. I guess I'll have to start my own blog and wreak my revenge.
It really is beautiful, this one. And NOW you know I'm not just saying it!!
big hugs
your sis xxxx
:))))) Don't get me started on sisters! I have 2 of them, and I am the oldest. The one below me and I get along really well, but the baby one, that spoiled one - oi vay! We are separated like you 2 are, and I think it's a good thing in most cases!
Fun post today, Lucy. I have friends that look at my cards and say I have too much time on my hands........what in the heck does that mean? Evidently making cards is considered by them to be not worthy in the real world?
LOL I have three sisters one makes cards like me but the other too dont. Love your sisters honesty and the banter between you. :D
You and your sister have provided a much needed laugh today. My kids love each other in the same way and they are adults as well. You are both lucky to be loved so fiercely. This is a lovely card Lucy. In the interest of fairness, can you let us know which card has caused such emotions?
I'm leaving for Rome with my 2 sisters and my mother tomorrow for 5 day's. We get along fine even if we don't see each other often and we are all very different.
When my husband is asked if he likes a card I made and he is quiet a few seconds too long I know he doesn't really like it. And he will tell me because being tactful is not his strongest point.
I like the card and your sister's reply.
I like your story Lucy! And your sisters reply! At moments like this I always miss a sister, because I don't have one :(
I really love your cards!
I don't have a sister...but my best friend is like my sister and is painfully honest!! ;)
LOVE this card!
I live in Scotland and my twin sister lives in Singapore, but because we chat almost every other day, we know exactly what is happening in each other's lives. She certainly calls a spade, a spade. If I feign being upset, she'd say you wouldn't want me to lie would you --- and certainly would not want her to as I rely on her honest opinion especially when I try out an outfit. I (or rather get my husband to) take a pic with my i-phone (love it for that) and send it to her for the verdict. So when I started my blog not too long ago, I certainly got some constructive criticism...as she puts it. I miss her too very much as she lives on the other side of the world.
I do! If your sister won't be honest with you who will be huh?
What is on those flowers? :-) LOVE this card.
When my sister and I were small we fought all the time - now we're 'mature' (ie think free bus pass) we see each other twice a week and talk on the phone as often as we can - she is brutally honest (especially about my hair style - or lack of hair style!!) but I love her to bits, Mary
my sisters,do not make cards at all and never bother to comment on any of mine,so you are lucky to have such a great sister and this card I just love,hugs cheryl xxxx
I have three sisters and none are crafty. I get along very well with two of them, but the baby of the family is a bit different. Love her, yet she can be a bit too honest at times. Beautiful card, Lucy!
Lucy, this made me laugh so hard. Thanks for the smile...and I love your sister's comment at the top...too funny. We need our honest family members :)!!! Thanks for the smile!
Ha, ha, ha! Sisters :0) Mine's brutally honest too...and doesn't paper craft, so think I just sit around doing nothing all day. It is a beautiful card, Lucy!!
lol!! The first time my sister looked at my blog, the only feedback I got was "there's a typo in paragraph 3"...*sigh* I feel your pain Lucy!! LOL!
Beautiful card :)
Aaaaah Sisters!!!! - LOL
I would love to see the card Emily thinks is ugly :o)
I don't think anything you have made could possibly be
Beautiful card, Lucy.
Beautiful! You and your sister are too funny! :)
I can relate to that...with my DD Stephanie. She is brutally honest about my cards to the point that it HURTS! Sometimes that is a good thing since we all need someone to tell us the "truth" to keep us grouded! I can't imagine which ugly card you made to cause her make such comment though (LOL)!! Sisters and daughters (if I may add)are the best!
oh yeah.. this card is GORGEOUS and your sister is SO sweet :)
It's a good thing I don't have a sister as I couldn't handle that! :> I really wonder which one she said that about!!!!! Love your card today! I hope she does too! :>
So beautiful! Haha your sister is so funny! :)
Ah, I can feel the love....=)
A simply beautiful card.
I'm a bit confused - I've never found any of your cards to be remotely ugly, or even badly done! She should come over to my blog, she'd see some truly uggo stuff there!
This creation is great (as I've said before, as is all your stuff, to me, that is) :)
Lucy, I have a family who is very supportive but still doesn't quite "get" my obsession with making cards. They think it would be a lot quicker to buy them! Ha! =) Anyway, thanks for sharing--too funny!
I would love to have a sister. Just two brothers. Men!
I love your card. And your "sister story".
Oh that is way too funny that story Lucy and when I went to leave my comment, I read you sister's rebuttal and that just made me chuckle even more...LOVE IT and by the way I love your card too :) Hugs!
blog lurker coming out :) this was a fun-cool post, Lucy! :) I have four... yes four sisters, and I am the youngest, the pest, as I see others calling their youngest sisters! :D We five are very close, all still pretty young - under 30 - and extremely honest. Think "Don't wear that!!! It's horrible!" ... is it honesty? yes!
What fun! Great card Lucy! Jo x
there is nothing like a great sister relationship...my sister and I are polar opposites but we get along so well. I'm so proud of her many accomplishments. Here's a favorite quote: "I smile because you're my sister...I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it!"
I love your card, that's the honest truth!
blessings to you and your sister!
this is gorgeous. sounds like she really likes it this time! =) i wish i had a sister like that. you are so lucky! and yeah, my husband is pretty honest about his opinion, too. ha! most of the time he doesn't like my cards! =)
Sweetie, that's sisters for you and we wouldn't want it any other way..then again, I may be biased since I AM usually the sister who doesn't hold back! :)
As for the cards, I love your style and think you should remember: you can please SOME of the people some of the time but never ALL of them all of the time.. keep shining, girl!
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