Sunday 7 March 2010

My Bloggiversary Giveaway

So my blog is one year old today.  AND I just hit 90,000 visitors today.  What a coincidence.
Thank you all for making blogging worthwhile and fun.  Your countless comments and emails mean so much - I really appreciate your support.
I would like to celebrate with a giveaway.
Leave a comment here to be in with a chance of winning...
THIS collection of stuff: (click on the pic to make it bigger)
(Lots of 12x12 patterned paper by different designers; stickers, stamps; notelets; rub-ons; and embellies.)
Good luck.  
(And pass it on.)


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Karen Dunbrook said...

Hi is so easy and fun coming over to see you and all your wonderful creations...
Happy Blog birthday....looking forward to many more...

Unknown said...

Lucy! I love reading your blog. I am amazed by your style. Thanks for a chance to grab some goodies!!

Lythan said...

thanks for the whole year of inspiration. I look forward to the year to come!

Sandie said...

Love your blog.

Teresa said...

Congrats! Keep sharing - we love it!

JosieK said...

Happy Anniversary Lucy! I love visiting your blog. I always see something that you've created that inspires me.

Debbie McIntyre said...

Thanks for all the motivation and this chance to win this wonderful giveaway.

Karen said...

Wow, 90,000 hits in one year. It just shows how talented you are. We all look forward to your beautiful creations each day.

Pascallle said...

Happy B day for your blog :)

Really love your style !

Tanja said...

I JUST discovered your blog yesterday! Congrats on one year. Browsing through yesterday, I have to say, I love your design style. It will be wonderful to check in and be inspired. (I placed a link to your blog from mine, I hope that's okay)

Stacie Alison said...

Congratulations! You are doing what I strive to do. What you've done takes committment and heart and oodles of creativity. Way to go girl! Thanks so much for the chance to win that sweet prize package...drooling as we speak.
Thanks, Stacie.

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!!!

Such a sweet place to visit:)

Natalie Hua said...

Congratulations Lucy! Your blog is a huge inspiration!
Thank you so much for the chance to win such an awesome collection!

Kimberly's Krafts said...

Lucy, Congrats on the your anniverasry and 90,000 hits!! WOW! You are a huge inspiration to me and I love coming by to visit and your work is truley in a class by itself!! xxoo

Thanks so much for the chance to win!!

Virginia L. said...

Congrats, Lucy! You are one hot popular blogger!!Ilove the cards/eye candy in your blog time after time...Looking forward to more!

Vidette said...

Congratulations on your one year!!!!!

Purple Princess said...

Congrats!! I love your blog! So inspiring! Thanks for the chance to win!

laurieloou said...

Happy blog birthday! 90,000!!
I love visiting your blog, you're such an inspiration to me and obviously an awful lot of other people!! Keep up the good work Lucy, I don't know how you do it! Laurie xx

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Happy Blogaversary! And congrats on those hits! I've been a follower for a while now, and enjoy your blog - keep it up!

Carla said...

congrats Lucy!! That's a lot of visitors for one year!

Create Fabulous said...

Wow congratulations on 90,000 visitors! What a great way to celebrate your blogaversary!!

Nancy S said...

Lucy, I enjoy your blog so very much. Congratulations on your anniversary! You inspired me to take the plunge and try my hand at computer cardmaking--so far, so good! thanks for all the inspiration.

Glue Dots & Applesauce said...

Congrats! What a nice way to celebrate your anniversary!

Julie Batta said...

congrats on one year!! your blog is full of inspiration and i can't wait to see what the next year brings!!!!

MoniqueAnne said...

Congrats on 1 Year and another landmark in visitors!

Your blog is always beautiful and inspirational!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! HOpe I will win!

Deb Rymer said...

You've done so much in just one year! I just love your work. You are a wonderful inspiration.

SueB said...

Happy blogoversary and congrats on the hits! I'm LOVIN' the caardvarks challenge card - I'm SO thankful Spring's in the air - thanx for the inspiration and blog candy opp!

Anonymous said...

J'adore tes réas c'est une vrai réussite, elles m'inspirent beaucoup, je te souhaites une longue continuation.
Scrap bizz

Carmen O. said...

Happy Blogoversary! Congratulations on 90k. I've had my blog for two years I don't think I'm at 13k yet. I love your wonderful creations I'm always awed by them. Thanks for the chance to win!

Stephanie Feltus said...

Happy Blog Anniversary!!!

Jan Hunnicutt said...

congratulations, I discovered your blog recently and love it!

Mabel said...

Happy blogversary!!!! and thanks for being for us a continous inspirational site, hope see you at the next!! =)

Katie Scott Scrapbooking said...

wow - love the hero arts stuff!

Heidi said...

Happy blogday. I love reading your blog.

Cathy said...

I love getting your emails and seeing new things. Would so much love to win!

Kristy said...

Congratulations and Happy Blogoversary!! Thanks for continually inspiring me!

Unknown said...

congratulations Lucy....thanks for the chance to win this lovely candy

The Pink Spot said...

Happy Happy Blogoversary!!!

Kathy W said...

Happy Blogoversary! I'm always glad to stop by and gain inspiration here.

Wida said...

congrats! I enjoy your clean design and color combinations!

Lizziski said...

Wow, that year has gone quick. I've been following your blog since the start. Love seeing what you come up with. Looking forward to another year of Lucy cards!

Jen Harrison said...

How fun are blogs! Congrats. Thanks for a chance to win-looking forwardto the next year of blogging!

Eveline said...

It's always a pleasure to visit your blog. I'm glad I found the blogging world 2 years ago. It really changed my world.
Happy blogiversary.

Anne said...

Happy Blogaversary Lucy:) Awesome candy!

Daphne said...

Wow - so much stuff! I'd love to it!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blog Birthday!!
Thanks for sharing so many wonderful ideas!

lil_kim_003 at

Anniefernakerpan said...

Congratulations, you've done so much in twelve months. Love your style and will keep looking. Here's to the next 12mths/90k. Cheers.

Isha said...

Happy Anniversary Lucy! Congratulations... all your hard work on this blog is full with inspiration. I look forward to all your new creations. I am new, so learnt a lot including digi work and started to play with it as well. Thanks for all the motivation and inspiration. Thanks for sharing and giving a chance to win so many lovely goodies. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Unknown said...

Love to read your blog for all it's inspirations. Thanx for a chance to win such a great prize. Congrats on your numbers.

yaffa said...

Hi Lucy
I love reading your blog
Keep sharing
Thanks, said...

Congrats on your first anniversary.... love checking out your blog.... Great giveaway, thanks for offering it!

☼ Cheryl* said...

Happy blog birthday, Lucy! and Congrats on 90,000 visitors!!!

I do enjoy your blog :) I have to admit to being more of a lurker but I do enjoy reading your posts a lot.
Keep it up :D! xxx

Agata said...

Oh wow! Such a great giveaway! Happy blogoversary Lucy! I enjoy your blog and creations very much! Thanks for so much inspiration!

GabrielaD said...

Happy Blogaversary!!!

So let me get this straight.... your blog is one year old and you have already had 90,000 visitors?? That is amazing. I am not jealous or anything, but dude, I have had a blog for 3 years and I was trilled to have almost 10,000 visitors.... lol... .nope not jealous at all!!!!

Congrats on a well deserved milestone... and I am not jealous at all. :)

Spardha said...

Congrats!!.. u totally deserve loads of hits!!.. thanks for a chance to win! :)

Kristina said...

Congratulations!! Looking forward to another year of inspiration!

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Congrats Lucy and happy
blog-o-versary. Have enjoyed your blog so much.
Dana Davis

donna said...

Woo-hoo! Congrats! Glad I just found your blog.

Anne G said...

Congratulations! I read your blog every day and love your clean style.

Amie H said...

Happy blog birthday, Lucy! Thanks for the constant inspiration!

shery said...

thanks for the giveaway

Cher said...

Happy Blog Birthday Lucy! as you can see...your blog is VERY popular...I personally LOVE IT! and if winning your giveaway will even help me get a little closer to making cards as gorgy as yours...well..please toss my name in the proverbial hat! You amaze me every day with your great ideas and use of me...inspired! tyvm for a chance

Gabriela said...

Lucy - Lucy - Lucy! It comes as no surprise, really, that although your blog is barely a year old today, it's received an excess of 90,000 visitors in this short time. If you consider the high caliber of your artwork, it's quite easy to see why you've garnered so many visitors. The cream always rises to the top. Huge Congratulations!

Lorena said...

Big, big congrats, Lucy! I'm really thankful you started this blog!! It has inspired me and many others in lots of ways. And it has also been very interesting to witness the way your style has evolved through this year.
Big hugs!

Meg said...

Happy blogaversary and congratulations!

jan metcalf said...

Thanks for sharing your inspirations!! May the next year be even bigger and better for you!

Unknown said...

Congrats on your blog anniversary! I LOVE all your posts and your cards are gorgeous. Thanks for the blog candy!

Patti aka NW Lady said...

Congrats on your blog birthday and your hits, wow what an accomplishment. I wish I had discovered your blog long ago but so glad I know of it now. It's a never ending supply of inspiration!!!

Anne said...

Happy blog anniversary!! I love your blog and all the fantatic creations you show us!! Thanks for the chance to win some wonderful goodies Lucy!

{Hana} said...

Congratulation :-)
I love Your blog, and Your style! I always watch Your blog for inspiration :-)
And thanks for the chance to win :-)

Karen B. said...

Congratulations! On a job well done, fantastic cards, and your blogiversary! I love your challenges and the inspiration you provide here on your blog. Thanks.

Catherine Couch Doucette said...

Congrats on everything, Lucy!! I love everything you do :0)

kat78 said...


The birthday and your 90.000 hits!!!

What a great day to celebrate!!!!!

Just keep doing it like that - I'll keep coming over to read! (;

Lovely greetings from over the Ocean
from the BlackForestRegion/Germany (;

Nikita Patni Malu said...

hey congratulations.... its a great way to celebrate.... :) i m excited and hopeful to receive it.... :)

Diana Fisher said...

Congratulations, and I wanted to say that I truly love reading your blog each day you post. I think your work is stunning!!!! :)

Amy C said...

Congrats on your milestones, Lucy!! I have posted your giveaway on my blog's sidebar.

Amy ♥

Trinh said...

Happy anniversary & congrats on 90K! I love your cards and thank you for the inspiration!

Lilian said...

Love your cards and thanks for sharing you are an inspiration. Congrats on your anniversary

CinnamonSally said...

Hi Lucy, Big congrats on your year anniversary, I have your blog as a favourite and visit at every new post, you constantly amaze and inspire me. Looking forward to the next year!!!

Unknown said...

Congrats, and that's some great candy ;)

Piali said...

Congrats Lucy!! Thank you for all the inspirations..

Lynn said...

Lucy, You are so, so generous! I think I remember when your blog went to 10,000 hits! I adore all of your inspiration. You are amazingly talented!

JAN said...

90,000 visitors CONGRATS to you i caould only dream of hits like that...its a real credit to you..ty so much for all the ideas inspiration and visual delights..thank you too for the chance to play along in your giveaway..kindly add my name to your hat ty jan

Margie said...

Congrats on your blogoversary, and thanks for a chance to win!

Unknown said...

Wow.. Congrats on your blog anniversary... love your style and your blog... keep spreading your inspiration.. thanks for a chance to win the awesome goodies...

Anonymous said...

Love your blog, I find it so inspiring. Congrats on 1 year in blogland!
Many thanks

Tiffany Heilman said...

Congrats on your blogoversary! Love your work.

Shelby said...

Congratulations on a year of blogging and 90,000 hits! Quite the accomplishment!

narutopenguingirl said...

Congratulations on your year anniversary and SO many visits :)

Lynn (toomanycrayons) said...

Congratulations on the blog milestone. I've certainly enjoyed your card inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your one-year bloggivesary. That's a lot of hits! Thank you for sharing your beautiful cards and giving away such a generous prize.


Ah-Ling said...

Congrats! I love your blog and beautiful cards - thanks for sharing them with us!

Momiji said...

always pop over to your blog as I love your have a lot of followers!

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

HOOOOOOORAY! Congrats on both! What a great way to celebrate:) THANKS for the giveaway! Love visiting your site--you always have beautiful cards!

Tammy said...

Hi Lucy, Congrats! Your designs are my favorite and thank you so much for sharing with us.

Jo said...

happy blogniversary! wow what an awesome giveaway. i posted it on my blog:

Loriann said...

Happy blog anniversary.. you are such an inspiration and I love coming to your blog to see great color combos and designs. Happy many more...

Rhonda Miller said...

Happy Blogoversary and congrats on 90,000 hits. That's awesome. What great candy. Thanks for a chance to win.

Greet said...

Congratulations Lucy! I love your blog. I think you are very talented.

Nancy L. said...

Congrats, Lucy!! Love your blog and of course all your creations! You're always inspiring!!
Thanks for the chance to win your blog candy!

Susanne said...

Congrats Lucy! I enjoy visiting your blog. You always inspire me. I'm looking forward to the years to come.
Hugs ♥

Dotty Jo said...

Many happies Lucy! I have been with you from the very start, although I couldn't follow you until I started my own blog in May last year. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful cards and inspiration. When I broke my wrist last year you were one of the cardmakers that kept me sane while I typed with my left hand and counted down the days until my plaster was removed! Big hugs, Jo x

Anonymous said...

Wow, only one year! I think I must have started following you pretty quick then! You are simply fabulous and I love all your inspiration! Thanks for all the wonderful eye candy!

lisa a.

Bunnyfreak said...

Happy Blogaversary. I just found your blog so I will be having fun exploring. Great prize pack.

Anita Rex said...

Happy 1 year! So exciting! So many hits and you have come so far in this year! Can't wait to see what the next year will bring!

Steph_Gamble said...

Congratulations on a year of inspiring all of us! Great giveaway! Looking forward to more of your projects!

nat said...

Happy birthday !
You are so generous .
Thanks for a chance to win.

Leesa B said...

Congrats Lucy and thanks for all the beautiful inspiration! Love your blog! Thanks for the blog candy, love to win!

mitz said...

Way To Go on your anniversary.. its just T-riffic.. thanks for the opportunity at this..
( mitz_zee@yahoodotcom)

Debbie said...

90,000?? That's a whole lotta fans! Happy Blog-iversary!!

Michelle said...

WOW! Congrats!!!

Brenda Weaver said...

Wow! You've got a lot to celebrate! Congrats on your blog anniversary. I love seeing all your creations.

Avital said...

Congratulations! Your blog is ALWAYS an eye candy! Thanks for the year-long treat :)

Nela said...

Congretulations! Thanks for this gorgeous giveaway :D

lalalla said...

congrats on bloggiversary! I love your blog and cards:) sweet giveaway:) thanks for chance to win, greetings from Poland

Amanda said...

Happy Blogaversary! And congrats on so many hits! Thank you for the chance to win these wonderful goodies. :)

Ann said...

Congrats on bloggiversary!! 90,000 visitors is huge.

Brenda said...

I am just one of many who enjoy your blog! Thanks for the chance. Congrads

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 1 year. Love your work. Love your blog.

Dawn T said...

Only a year Lucy... I have to admit it seems longer as I love coming to see you wonderful work. And what a generous give away. thanks for the chance to win.

Robin from ga said...

Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary! Love the blog.

CalleLillyCafe said...

Happy One Year Blog-versary! Congrats on the 90,000 too! Love that blog-candy pic! Someone's going to be a happy camper! =)

Jane said...

Happy ONE Year Blogversary!!! I LOVE your totally inspire me! And WOW on the giveaway!

Maeghan M. said...

Happy Blogversary! I love your blog!

Patricia said...


ChinaCatSunflower said...

Happy Blogversary!!!
I love your blog!!!
My link is
Good luck to all!!!!

cheryl l. said...

What a GREAT giveaway! Needless to say, it would look great in my messy room! Happy one year!

Karen said...

Congrats on your one. Love your blog
Love the giveaway

stamp500 said...

What a good way to celebrate! Thanks,

SmilynStef said...

Huge Congrats ... it's been a fun year for all of us.

NancyS said...

Congratulations, Lucy, on 90,000 visitors AND your one-year blogiversary. WOW, the time has absolutely flown. I love coming to your blog most days to see what great inspiration you're offering. THANKS for keeping us all in awe of your talents and cleverness.

Ash said...

Hey.... I'm glad I stumbled over your lovely & elegant space.... It is the first anniversary of your lovely blog..... And it was my anniversary too... My 8th wedding anniversary..... So I am really happy..... Anniversaries... only increases our trust & faith on ourselves.... It makes the bond stronger & stronger.....



judy said...

Congratulations, Lucy on your 1 year
mark and reaching 90,000 visitors!!
I visit often for the great inspiration that you provide.

Little T said...

Congratulations, Lucy! Thanks for sharing your wonderful creations with us.

Maria said...

Congratulations on your 1 year Bloggiversary!!!!

Dragonlady said...

Hi Lucy

Congratulations on your blogoversary and so many hits too.
Thanks for the chance to win - I have posted a link on my sidebar.

Hugs Ali x

Lisa said...

Congratulations, and thanks for the chance to win!

Kathy (krolski) said...

Congrats Lucy! 90,000 hits is wonderful! I love your blog! You're always such an inspiration!

danyscrap said...

quel lot magnifique!!
quelle générosité!!
je veux bien tenter ma chance,qui sait?la chance me sourira peut-être!!
Merci de nous faire rêver!!

bonne soirée

Mirka said...

Aww, love that collection of stuff! Thank you for the chance to win!

mnms said...

Thanks for the chance to win. Love your blog--I'm always inspired!

Pelusa said...

Congrats, Lucy, for your first bloggiversary! 90 000 visitors! That's a WOW!!! You deserve it. You've becoming an insiration for all of us!

Beck C said...

Oh wow - thanks so much for the chance to win such lovely goodies - as you know, we love you in NZ!!!! Becks

Just Call Me Grammy said...

Congratulations on the anniversary. I am not surprised you have had so many visitors in such a short time...your blog is great and your cards are so pretty. I am pretty new, but will be a regular visitor.

Unknown said...

Happy anniversay! Wow that is quite the stash, thanks for the opportunity.

Nala verstrickt said...

Congratulations! I found you on flickr and followed your link a few weeks ago :) Thank you so much for sharing your great cards!

Kate's Corner said...'re one popular lady!! Congratulations on being one year old BLOG! Absolutely love your cards Lucy!

Nancy holley said...

Wow! Congratulations! So excited about your visitors and your cool blog! Thanks for the chance to win!

Ivolina said...

Congratulations! Your blog is very inspirational for me. Thank you very much.
Thank you for a chance.

Pam W Merwin said...

Enjoy your creations! Congrats on the first anniversary of blogging. I just started this past December.

Love your inspiration.!

Tracey said...

BIG CONGATS Lucy on your 1 year Anniversary AND 90,000 visits.....WOWSER!!!! oh and how sweet of you to offer such amazing blog candy! xoxoxox TRace

MicheyMoo said...

Lucy, you're clean and simple technique is a constant inspiration to me!! I love your cards and am doing my bestest to find time to participate in one of your challenges soon!!
Congrats on your 1st Anniversary and so many visitors!! Here's to countless many more!! xxx

elisa said...

Felicidades desde España. Voy de blog en blog buscando inspiración y nuevas ideas y he dado contigo. Me ha gustado mucho ver todo lo que haces y espero que sea para muuuuucho tiempo.


Janel said...

Happy Aniversary. Love, love, love you blog

Linda E said...

Congratulations on reaching this milestone. I check your blog on a regular basis for inspiration and eye candy!

~amy~ said... certainly know how to sling out the candy:) congrats on your 1 year blogoversary...I find your blog thoroughly do such magnificent work!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 90,000 hits Lucy, that sure is a milestone! Keep up the beautiful work xx

Kristen Manson said...

oh my, all those stamps look delicious! so glad I found your blog!

Laurie said...

This would make a great addition to any stash, but being able to follow your blog is the best prize, Thanks for the inspiration.

Sarah M said...

Congrats on your blogoversary, Lucy! Always love your cards!

KarenH said...

Congratulations on a wonderful year of inspiring creations. I look forward to more wonderful things to come.

juli (sweetpz) said...

Congrats on your blogaversary!!!! and WOW on getting 90,000 hits!!!

thanks for the chance to win some yummy blog candy!
i'm a follower cuz apparently yours is the blog to follow.... hehehe


Nancy said...

Happy Blogoversary wishes, Lucy! Your blog is certainly an important daily web destination for me. That's quite a generous give-away package you've will go wonderfully with your daily dose of pure inspiration!

petrovka said...

Congratulations, and wau - wonderful candy. Thank you for the chance to win.

cindy said...

Lucy, Congratulations! It's been so much fun watching you grow in your creativity this year. Love your projects, cards and inspiration!!!!

Amanda Profumo said...

Yay! Happy Blogbirthday! Love your blogaroo and your fantastic creations! You are so inspiring and creative! Thanks for the chance to win a fab blog present! :)

Pai said...

Congratulations! I have to say that it amazes me that you are relatively new to this stuff. Your blog is one of few that I follow nearly every day to get ideas and just admire.

Lynnelle said...

Congratulations! I love your blog!! You inspire me daily to reach in and do something creative.

Sherrie M. said...

I'm new to your blog and I love it! Thanks so much for a chance to win.

Janet Wilson said...

Congratulations Lucy. Great Blog, Thank you for all your fantastic inspiration.

AngelaP said...

It is my pleasure to visit your blog daily. I have learned how to use digital stamps from you and have made several cards.

Josephine said...

Congrats on 90,000 visitors,
love your blog & need to visit here everyday,
thanks for sharing,
& thanks for the chance to win.

Jayne said...

I just recently found your blog and It's quickly becoming one of my favorites. Congrats on all the hits! Thanks for sharing. It's inspirational.

donna mikasa said...

Happy Bloggiversary!! 90,000 hits? I'm not surprised! I visit several times a day! LOL!! Don't count me in for the giveaway--Keith would kill me!--just wanted to wish you well on the next 90,000 hits! Hugs! xx

Nellie said...

Congrats on your first anniversary. 90,000 is a lot of hits. Thanks for the chance. Hugs, Nellie.

Rainy said...

Hi Lucy, Happy bloggie anniversary! Thanks for the give away.

Sheila H said...

Congratulations! Thanks for the chance to win.

Jill said...

What a generous give away! Be more importantly CONGRATS! I ALWAYS love visiting your blog. Your creations are each a work of art and I truly am SOOOOO impressed with your talent. Thanks for sharing with all of us!!!

Lucille K said...

Happy 1 year bloggiversary, Lucy :)

Marie Bingaman said...

Happy, happy, happy blogiversary! You truly are inspiring Lucy! I love coming here to see your creations...thanks for the chance to win! :)

Kathy G. said...

Wow! 90,000 visitors to your blog. Proof of your awesome work! Thanks for a chance to win!
Happy 1 year anniversary too!

tia said...

Lovely! Happy Anniversary.

Fern said...

Hey Lucy! Happy Birthday to your wonderful little site that I love to visit for inspiration. Your cards never cease to springboard my imagination and help me create more meaningful projects to share with others. Thank you for all your hard work and your kindness to share with us. Again, happy birthday to you and your site!

karennarelle said...

Congratulations and thanks for the chance to win some great candy

winjes said...

Happy Bloggiversary!!! Thank you for sharing your creativity and for providing such inspiration.

Gloria Westerman said... awesome is that......everyone just loves coming here......thanks for the chance too, to win some candy....

slbt17 said...

Congratulations and thanks for all the inspiration over the last year!

Renee said...

Congrats! Thanks for the chance to win. :)

Jenn said...

Happy Blogaversary! WOO HOO!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! you give us such great inspiration.

Janetcraft said...

It's fun to see your blog everyday, never get bored..well done with inspirations given

Janetcraft said...

It's fun to see your blog everyday, never get bored..well done with inspirations given

Rebecka Miller said...

OMG you are my new addiction! LOV IT!

Rebecka Milller

twinkletoe said...

Many congratulations on your anniversary.and also the 90K + hits. You have a lovely blog and I visit you daily. Keep up the good work.

Vanessa said...

Hi Lucy! Congratulations on your anniversary and all the hits and your fabulous career! Don`t put me into the draw, just wanted to wish you all the best for the next blogworld years!


Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary Lucy!! I am addicted to reading your blog and love all your cards!! Congrats on the 90,000 hits as well :)

Marijke said...

Happy BlogBirthday Lucy!!
Congratulations on the 90000 visitors too!
I always love your cards Lucy!! You inspire me so much!!!

Tassie said...

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, your blog. Congratulations on your first bloggiversary!!!

VAKAnomi said...

Huge givaway...:D wau...It would be soo nice to win this...congratulation for your bliggiversary..:D

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