Saturday 28 May 2016

MISTI May-nia

This month, kind Iliana, owner of My Sweet Petunia and creator of the MISTI , is giving away a Mini MISTI every day.  Since I purchased my Mini MISTI a few months ago, I have used it on every single card I have created. Finally, no more wasted cardstock and patterned paper - I get the stamped results I want every single time. Seriously, this thing is the most useful tool I own!!

Unfortunately I have been sick recently and have not been able to create a card showing off the wonders of the MISTI - but HERE, HERE and HERE are a few of my recent creations that I would never have attempted without my MISTI. :)

All you need to do is leave a comment here by Wednesday 1st June to be in with a chance of winning a mini MISTI. 
I'll announce the winner here on my blog after 1st June.

And here is the list of blogs that have already offered a chance to win...

May 01 - My Sweet Petunia
May 01 - Ilina Crouse
May 02 - Lydia Fiedler
May 02 - Virginia Lu
May 03 - Jana Millen
May 04 - Carissa Wiley
May 05 - Maureen Wong
May 05 - Simon Hurley
May 06 - Laurel Beard
May 06 - Catherine Pooler
May 08- Laura Bassen
May 09 - Jeanne Streiff
May 10 - Lawn Lawn
May 11 - Darlene DeVries
May 12 - Crafters' Corner
May 13 - Pat Huntoon
May 15 - Avery Elle
May 16 - Simon Says Stamp
May 17 - Altenew
May 18 - Concord & 9th
May 19 - Stephanie Klauck
May 20 - Hero Arts
May 21 - Neat and Tangled
May 21 - Debbie Hughes
May 22- Taheerah Atchia
May 23- Kathy Racoosin
May 24- Yana Smakula
May 25- Sandy Allnock
May 26- Caryn Davies
May 27- W Plus 9
May 27- Kelly Latevola

Huge thanks to Iliana for her generosity!
Bye for now.


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Cindy H. said...

So sorry you're not feeling well and hope you feel better soon. Love those beautiful cards you created, especially the sister card - my fave!

Kathy W said...

Hope you're feeling better. Thanks for the chance to win a Misti!

Waddi said...

Gute Besserung und deine Karten sind sehr schön. Ich liebe das Misti auch.

Janet D. said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. Thanks for the chance to win!

Gracie said...

I hate you are not feeling well :( Thanks for a chance to win a MISTI! Get better soon!

White Orchid said...

Get well soon! It's no fun being sick cuz it's harder to what we love

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon. Thank you for a chance to win the Misti!

Andrew and Bertha Pilgrim said...

I hope you feel better soon Lucy. I love the three examples you posted. I think the "Sister with love" card is my favorite. There's something about the delicate coloring...

Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win a mini-MISTI!!

Maggie M said...

Hi Lucy, hope you'll be feeling better soon. Love the cards and good to know you recommend the MISTI. I'd love to win one. PS. Got my first sequins order from you last week, very pleased with it. Thank you.

Alma Dirpaul said...

Every time I see a MISTI in a you tube video, I start to drool. It is top of my wish list. Thanks Iliana for your generosity.

Unknown said...

Hope you are feeling better!
I really liked your Artful Flowers/Hugs card on one of your other posts!

Melanie said...

I too hope you're feeling better soon! Thanks for the chance to win a mini MISTI!

Unknown said...

Oh My! What beautiful, vibrantly colored cards you make! I hope that you are feeling better. Take care of yourself!

Sukie said...

I am so sorry to hear that you have been feeling under the weather! Hope you are on the mend soon, it's no fun being sick! I have picked up so many tips and techniques and am definitely sold on the MISTI. I am a new follower of your blog and looking forward to more inspiration from you! Lovely card, by the way, thanks for sharing and also for the amazing giveaway!

mzjluv said...

Hope you feel better real soon! Thank you for the opportunity to win a mini Misti.


Feel better soon.. keep on stamping... said...

I finally gave in and got the Original MISTI. I love all the cards and it will take me until eternity to make them. I think having the mini MISTI will help me even more. Thanks for sharing it all!

Unknown said...

Sending you healing thoughts and hope you feel better soon. Thank you for all you share and your talent. With respect, Barbara Jo

Dana said...

Thanks for the chance to win!! I really want one!!!

Mary Holshouser said...

I hope you are on the road to recovery. Please take good care
of yourself.
thanks for sharing the post for the misti.
Would be such fun to win one.

AScrapOfKindness said...

I hope you feel better soon. How miserable to be sick... and especially around a holiday! Enjoyed your floral card where you off-set the color. I know from experience that those solid stamps can be tricky to get enough ink on them for a successful one-time stamp, so the MISTI would definitely help. Thank you for the opportunity to win a Mini MISTI.

Mary e said...

Lovely cad and giveaway !! said...

Get well soon.

Mary e said...


Helen F. said...

Oh your cards are simply gorgeous, Lucy. thank you so much for the amazing design ideas, I especially want to try the third sample~adding acetate for the shaker is brilliant. Hope you feel better soon!

JoAnneRIL said...

I hope you are feeling better soon. No fun being under the weather. Thank you for participating in this awesome month of MISTI May-nia.

ARTnas said...

Oooh hope you feel better already!! Thanks for getting a chance to win even without a card :) said...

Sorry you aren't feeling well. Love your beautiful cards!

Judie said...

Get well soon! Thanks for this chance! said...

get well soon. loved your earlier creations specially the rainbow one.

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon. Love to get my hands on a mimi misti!

Ericka Strange said...

Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for the chance to win a Misti!

Mandy said...

Wishing you better days ahead. Your cards are beautiful.
Thanks for the chance to win a mini Misti

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better soon:) Love your cards!!!

Marsha S said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery. I sure could use a Mini Misti! Thanks for a chance to win!

DruW said...

Get better soon!

Jackie S said...

Hope you're better soon.

Helen Gullett said...

FABULOUS cards created with MISTI, Lucy! Thank you for the inspirations :)

Sandra KM said...

Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for a chance to win a mini MISTI.

Vivian C. said...

Being sick sure can get in the way of what you have planned. Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for the chance to win.

sandy said...

I'm pretty sure I NEED a misti! Yup👍Get well soon!

Abby said...

Hope you're feeling better.

McStamper said...

Hope you feel up to par soon. Thanks so much for a chance to win.

Teresa Doyle said...

Lucy, I have to say the cards you shared were fantastic. Sorry to hear you are under the weather. Get well soon.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

The MISTI looks like it would save a lot of cardstock. As I get older, my less steady hands make stamping mistakes. Being able to rest amp when parts of the image is missing would be wonderful.

Hope you are better soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you don't feel well. Hope your right again soon.
thank you so much for the opportunity to win a MISTI!
Sylvia Craig

Laraine R said...

Hope you are feeling better! Thanks for the chance to win!

Donna C said...

Hope you feel better soon. I love your cards! I also use the mini MISTI on every card I make, but if I win one, I have a sweet friend that I know would love to receive the mini MISTI.

janecrisci said...

Love watching your videos. I have been a long time follower, Thank you for the chance to win a Misti!

Debra said...

Thank you for a chance to win...hope you feel better soon.

Karen said...

Thanks for sharing links to,your cards. This is the first time I've seen your blog and I am amazed with your creativity. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling good. But, I'm thankful you shared the opportunity to win the Mini Misit. After seeing your cards, I need to have this wonderful tool and winning one is the only way I'll have it sooner rather than later! Thanks.

Lieve said...

I hope you will feel better soon !
Thank you for the links to your cards : they are beautiful ! My favourite is the "look for the miracles" card.
Thank you for a chance to win a MiniMisti. That would be great. Good luck to all of us !

Craftyfield said...

Shame you're not feeling well but your Misti examples were fantastic! Hope you recover quickly!

Diane Bakehouse said...

I like your three cards. Stitching the acetate on the front of the third one to make a shaker card is a cool idea. Fingers crossed for the MISTI.

Unknown said...

Feel better soon!

julie said...

I love the "look for the Miracles" card! Thank you for the opportunity to win a MISTI!

Anonymous said...

I hope you're going to get better very soon. I love your cards, you have so much creativity.

Isabelle Baudin

Pat Gasko said...

Sorry to hear you're sick and I hope you are better sooner than soon. Love the previous cards done on your MISTI and thanks for the opportunity to win one.

Di said...

Sorry you have not been well but I loved the cards you have shown. Would really love to win a Misti as I am not the best stamper around.

Brenda Lee said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon, Lucy. {{{Inky Hugs}}}

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon. Thanks for the chance to win

Carey Nusbaum said...

I hope you are feeling better! Thanks for the inspiration and for the opportunity to win a Misti!

Susan K said...

Love the delicate 'Sister' card. Thanks for sharing. Hope you feel better soon. Thanks to both you and My sweet Petunia' for the chance to win a Misti.

With love from Lola said...

So sorry you are not feeling well! I loved your cards! I do believe in miracles! Always looking for them! 😘

kdguthr said...

Get well soon so you can do more art!

Patt H. said...

So sorry you've been ill. That's not a fun thing. I looked at your awesome cards & loved them all, especially the gorgeous Sister card. Thanks for the chance to win a Misti. I would love one but none close bye to try. Will be doing some shopping online if I am not one of the lucky winners.

Unknown said...

I love your use of stitching in your cards! Absolutely beautiful!
Prayers for a safe and speedy recovery!

CraftyJo said...

Hope you're starting to feel better :) Thanks for the chance to win.

asg said...

Thank you for the chance to win the mini misty


Nurse Kat (Kathy H.) said...

Hope you feel better soon. Love the sister card, simply elegant. Thank you for sharing. Thank you MISTI

asg said...

Thank you for the chance to win.


Colleen Boyd said...

Thanks for a chance to win. I love your blog !

ddc designs said...

Hope you're feeling better soon! Thank you for a chance to win a Misti, I've wanted one for a long time!! Fingers tightly crossed! Cheers, Dotty C.

Cindy C. said...

Hope you'd feel better soon Lucy! Always enjoy looking at your cards!!

Unknown said...

Sorry you are ill! Hope you feel better fast! I looked at the cards you sent us to and I love them! Left you msgs. I really would like to win a MISTI! I've just "found" them and they are fabulous! Thank you!!!

trala said...

Feel Better! I love this contest because I'm discovering new blogs to follow! You stuff is awesome!!

Bonnie from Virginia said...

Hope you feel better soon, love the cards!

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for the giveaway.

Lindarub said...

Hope you are feeling better and thanks for chance to win.

Karli said...

Awww, hope you feel better speedy quick! Take care :)

Julie W said...

Feel better, Lucy! It's a hard time when one is too sick to be able to create!

Your card samples are all beautiful and truly show the value of the MISTI- I'm hard pressed to get as crisp an impression because I don't dare to re-stamp on something I've already put other artwork time into. And I feel limited with the ability to achieve the offset look- certainly not so crisply and consistently - so rarely use it due to frustration, though I love the look.

Thanks for taking the time to even leave us all a note when u have been feeling poorly-- best wishes on a speedy recovery!

Patrice said...

Oh my gosh I wish the mini MISTI had been around when I purchased my original sized one. I would totally love a mini that I can keep on my desk - sometimes I forget to get the larger one out of the drawer it resides in. Thanks for the opportunity to win. x

Unknown said...

So sorry you are feeling ill! I hope you feel better soon. I loved all your cards, but the first example was my favorite. It was hard to pick because I loved the soft colors from the second one and the rainbow scheme from the third, but the color scheme and handmade background from the first just enamored me. And the stitching is a wonderful detail. I don't own a machine because I'm not too proficient with it and don't like the work of changing the thread every time I want a new color, but might try hand stitching if I ever muster the patience to do so, haha. It just adds such a lovely touch to cards and scrapbook pages.

Jane M said...

I want to try the stitching on a card, Thanks for the inspiration.

Janet M said...

I used my friends MISTI last week and I am hooked. Feel better soon.

Candy said...

Misti is the greatest. Also just orderd a whole bunch of your embellishments--can't wait to get them

JJ Barrett said...

Great cards! I hope you feel better soon! Thanks for the opportunity!!

Brithzi said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon. Took a look at your linked cards and they are beautiful. Thanks for a chance to win a MISTI.

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for the chance to win a min Misti.

Unknown said...

Feel better soon! Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

Its crazy flu season here too! Hope you get well soon :) the cards are lovely. Thanks for the giveaway!

Sharon said...

Hope you are feeling much better soon. Thank you for the chance to win a mini Misti......a great product.

Karen D said...

hope you are feeling better soon and are back to sharing you beautiful creations - the mini misti would be a great addition to my tool set!

Dodie said...

WOW! Three amazing cards. I love the big flowers on the hugs card. The soft colors on the second card with a flower are so pretty. And I am a sucker for multi-colored backgrounds (my husband jokes that my favorite color is multi!) My fingers are crossed in hopes of winning a MISTI. What a generous prize!

Betty Neville said...

Hope you are feeling better! Your cards are beautiful - thank you for the chance to win!

Judy said...

Hope You Feel Better Soon And Hope I Win A misti

Judy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better soon.
Thanks for the chance to win a misti :)

Deborah Kaye said...

Your cards samples are lovely! Especially the look for miracles one. I hope you're up and feeling better soon.

Judy said...

Beautiful cards! Would love to win the Misti. I can never get my stamps straight on my cards.... I soooo need this tool! Thanks for a chance to win.

Suz said...

Hope you feel great again soon Lucy :) Thank you for participating in this amazing MAYnia. I have loved watching all the creations and feel a tinge jealous I can't do half of them without a Misti. But I suppose this is where we have to get creative hehe.

Unknown said...

Hope you are feeling better very soon.

Teresa Godines #6857 said...

Hope you feel better soon. I would love to win a MISTI. Just threw out card stock today because I stamped something poorly

Unknown said...

Sorry you're under the weather. Hope you get better soon! What a great chance to win the mini Misti.

Diane Quinlan said...

Thanks for the chance to win a MISTI!!! Hope you feel better soon!

cards by cara said...

Sorry you've been under the weather ...

Thanks for the chance to win a fab mini MISTI!

Emma Tayler said...

I love your cards, so elegant and feminine.

D.Ann C said...

Awww... Feel better!!!

Marcie Lovett said...

Feel better, Lucy! I love seeing what you've created.

cghundley said...

Well sorry that you
are feeling poorly.
Hope you are doing
better real soon.
Carla from Utah

StampinLouie said...

I am another that would like to win a MISTI> Want one in the worst way> Thanks for sharing and I hope you feel better soon.

Unknown said...

I first saw the full size MISTI on Jennifer McGuire and put my thinking cap on. I came up with something that "works" but it isn't as well made and as trusty as the MISTI. I would LOVE LOVE to get one - even a MINI MISTI!!

Sue D said...

thanks for sharing your previous creations and hope you are better soon.

Kristie Maynard said...

Beautiful cards. Hope you're feeling better soon. Thanks for sharing.

Bobbie Bluegill said...

Feel better soon. You still were able to show off the MISTI well. Lovely cards.

Tami B. said...

Sorry you've been feeling bad. Hope you get better soon. Loved the sister card, it is so pretty.

snappy scrappy said...

Thanks for the chance to win!!! Hope you feel better soon!

javagal said...

Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for a chance to win a mini MISTI.

Super Stick Chick said...

Hope you feel better soon. Love your linked cards and the MISTI.

D- said...

Sending you healing hugs! Feel better real soon.
Thanks for the chance to win a Mini Misti.
Crafty hugs,

Elisha said...

So sorry you're sick! I would love to win a Misti! What fun!! Feel better:-)

Renee M said...

Your cards are so pretty--I especially like the "Look for the miracles" one you made. Hope you're feeling better soon!

ScrapaDiddle said...

Hope you feel better soon. I have MS and have many bad days and many good and I know that the good are much better aren't they?

Arlytte said...

I hope you are feeling better! Thanks for the chance to be a proud owner of a Misti!

ichen said...

Get well soon. <3

KraftyKathy said...

Awww I hope you feel better soon and enjoy this wonderful long weekend. Pretty cards! Thanks for the opportunity to win a Misti!

Lindy said...

I love all your cards and would love to win.

Feel better soon :)

Jayne said...

Sorry to hear you have been ill and hope you are feeling better soon. I love your style and your 3 cards are beautiful. My sister would love the sister card. She lives a long way from me and I love to brighten her day. I hope someone sends you a Hugs card as beautiful as yours. Thank you for sharing. Take care and happy stamping.

Shona Chambers said...

So sorry you've been sick and hope your on the mend. Would absolutely love to own a Misti and can't afford one myself, so thank you so much for the chance to win!!!

Kellyhorn said...

Hope you feel better, and that I win!!

Heather A said...

Hope that you feel better soon. Thanks for the chance to win a Mini-Misti.

Lindsey NY said...

I hope you Recover rapidly. I checked out your linked card ideas. That Bo Bunny rainbow paper is stunning, and I do believe you have made the shaker card something I COULD actually attempt with some success.

charktographer said...

Feel better soon :). And the samples you provided with having used the mini misti were adorable. I really need to do more shaker cards.

Cyndee said...

Hope you are feeling better!> Sure would love to win a Misti!

Donna said...

Love your cards Lucy!

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better really soon!

lkdeli said...

You work so hard!! Thank you for all your creativity. Your cards are beautiful. Thanks for a chance to win this wonderful tool - I wish I could see one -

Mary-Anne V said...

Hope you're feeling better. I would love to win this very handy tool.

Terry D. said...

Hope you feel better soon....Thanks for the chance to win a Mini Misti...Take care...

LC Lamothe said...

So sorry that you've been under the weather. I hope that you are on the mend and feeling better soon. Thank you for participating in MISTI May-nia and offering an opportunity to win this awesome stamping tool!

Fanny said...

hope you feel better. Thanks for the chance to win!

rogue said...

I loved your look for the miracles card. It's simple yet very playful. Thank you for the opportunity to win a MISTI.

Barbara Woodard said...

would love to win a mini misti. sorry you are under the weather. you make beautiful cards thank you for sharing. barbara

Fanny said...

Hope you feel better. Thanks for the chance to win a misti. Don't own one but would love to have one.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win a MISTI!

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear your not feeling well...feel better soon! Thanks for sharing your lovely cards.

Lagene said...

So sorry you have been ill! Thanks for the chance to win!

Debi Vintinner said...

Thank you for participating in this gun give away!!����

Life with MS said...

Love your cards. Feel better soon.

Life with MS said...

Love your cards. Feel better soon.

Elle P said...

Hope you feel better soon! Thank you for a chance to win a mini misti!

Patty said...

Thanks for sharing your cards. Just beautiful and thanks for a chance to win.

HKXoXo said...

Well I hope you feel better and that this is the only time you get sick this summer/ year. Just keep in mind, 3 days off then only 2 and a half days left. Then you can brag to everyone that you made it to summer 😊

also I really want to thank you for the amazing opportunity to possibly win an awesome MISTI! I know I have ever finger and toes crossed as I have been dying for one for the past year. A girl can hope, so thank you

Unknown said...

Love your creations and the MISTI!!!

Cindy G said...

Sorry you have not been well; obviously you are in everyone's thoughts. We appreciate all that you do.

Gailanne said...

Your "Look for the Miracles" card is beautiful and inspiring; I hope I win the mini MISTI so that I can reproduce it (or something like it!)

susiefreckleface said...

Thank you for sharing your talent. I'm new to the modern side of this craft. I hope to be able to excel at card making too. God bless you, feel better soon. susiefreckleface

Kris in Alaska said...

So sorry to hear you've been sick! I do love my original MISTI so much too!

Maria :) said...

Dear lucy, I hope you will feel better soon.thanks for the giveaway!

Monique C said...

Hope you get well soon! I loved the cards you shared and especially the last one with the "look for the miracles" sentiment. Thanks for the chance to win a Misti!

SHartl said...

I do hope you feel better soon Lucy, and thanks for always inspiring us with your beautiful projects. Winning a MISTI would be such a great addition to my card making stash!

Shirley N said...

Loved the colors in your shaker card, so beautiful! Hope you feel better soon, take care and thanks for the chance to win a fabulous Misti!

Carolyn said...

Beautiful Cards!!

Thanks for sharing! Hope you feel better soon!

Thanks for the chance to win a Misti!

Lisa said...

Oh my! I have my fingers crossed, the Misti has been on my wish list forever!. Lisa xx

Unknown said...

Hope you feel better real soon. Thanks for the chance to win a mini Misti.

Dalia Oriakhi said...

I would love to win the Mini Misti! I pray that I win!!! I pray that you are healed IJN!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win a misti

Lynne in NI said...

Great giveaway! Hope you're feeling better

Unknown said...

Your cards are wonderful. I love the colors on'look for the miracles' card. The'Sister' cardo is beautiful, love the Sugar and Spice stamp set! Feel better soon.

StampNK said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win a MISTI. I have just learned about this tool and it sounds like a great way to improve my stamping. Hope you feel better soon!

Muhriel said...

Hi Lucy,
Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well, hope you are better by now?
I really adore the cards you make, as well as your beautiful Shaker Mixes. So far, I must admit, I was too busy admiring them, so haven't used them, yet. :o). This would definitely be different for the MISTI, should I be the lucky winner... Keep my fingers crossed!
Happy Sunday, take care,

Bev Karolak said...

Hope you're feeling better soon! Thanks for the chance to win a mini Misti! :-)

Arianna Barbara said...

Hope you'll feel better soon, darling!!! Thank you for this amazing chance to win this beautiful prize!!!

Unknown said...

Aww I like your sister card and I miss my sister I think I'm gonna make one for her,thank you for the inspiration.Amazing shaker card I love it.

Ann Weiss said...

I would love to win the mini misti!

Becky said...

I hope you feel better soon.

67Cats said...

Thank You, sure hope I win the Mini MISTI

Penny Hanuszak said...

Sorry to hear you're under the weather Lucy. Hope you're feeling better real soon. I've had a chance to check out your blog and liked the posted cards. Thanks also for an opportunity to win a Misti. That would make my year!

JudyK said...

so sorry Lucy that you are under the weather, Get well soon!

Bernadette said...

Hi Lucy, I'm sorry you are not feeling well. I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for this grand opportunity to win a mini MISTI!

slbela59 said...

Thanks for chance to in! Hope you are feeling better.

Charlene said...

I hope you are feeling better. I've developed a cold or something. Bad enough that I'm staying home from church today. Boo. The 3 cards you linked to are beautiful! The MISTI looks like such a cool tool!

Anne said...

Thanks so much for the chance to win this much needed equipment! How did we survive before it was invented?

QiQi-E said...

Thank you for hosting this giveaway even though you're sick! Hoping that you'll get well soon!

SusanME said...

Healing thoughts being sent your way. Love your cards! Thanks for sharing. And thanks for the chance to win a mini MISTI !

Rose said...

I love all of your referenced cards, but especially the shaker card. It is so colorful. Also love the sentiment. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Linda T. said...

Your work is awe-inspiring! Thanks for the chance to win the Misti!

DebbieG said...

Sending get well wishes.... I would LOVE to win a Mini MISTI. Thanks for a chance to win. Feel Better Soon

Susan T said...

Wishing you well. Blessing you today and always. Thanks for your inspiration and your post and participating even when you are under the weather. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for the opportunity to win a misti.

Judy Woodland said...

So sorry to hear you are sick. Hope things are turning around for you and you are on the mend. Thanks for the chance to win a Mini, I LOVE my MISTI and use it every time I make a card!!

Isabel Z said...

Feel better soon. Thank you for the chance to win such a great prize.

Linda said...

Feel better soon it's no fun feeling down.

Mary Jean said...

I love your cards , hope you are feeling better soon.
The Misti is an awesome product hoping to win one!!!

Mary Miller said...

Sorry you are sick. I would love a chance to win a MISTI.

Anonymous said...

Have been reading and hearing such good things about the MISTI - would love to win one !

Kim U. said...

Feel better soon-I can't wait to see more of your cards!
A Mini Misti would be wonderful for so many techniques.

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear that you aren't well. I would love to own a Misti! Take care.

Linda M said...

I love your work. So sorry you're not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon. I would love to win a mini Misti! Thanks for the chance to win one!

TracyM #6773 said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery Lucy!!!
THANK YOU for the chance to win such a COOL TOOL ... I dream of becoming a better and more adventurous stamper :)

Kicki said...

Hope you feel better soon. Thank you for the opportunity to win.

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