Wednesday 18 November 2015

Christmas Tags

Today I have a couple of cute Christmas gift tags to share with you - I created them with the December Card Kit from Simon Says Stamp. One of the yummy things in the kit is this sweet set of puffy stickers by Pinkfresh Studios. Seriously - puffy stickers take me straight back to my childhood!! So very awesome. :) I added a selection of stickers to a die cut tag, did a bit of stamping and stitching, then added a second tag behind and tied them together with some Lawn Fawn sparkle cord.
Tags2 by Lucy Abrams
These stickers are so cute - they need nothing else. I'm going to create all my Christmas tags using every sticker on the sheet. Fantastic!
Tag by Lucy Abrams
Oh how I love this kit… so much deliciousness in one little box! :)
Have a great day.


  1. Lovely tags! The colors are wonderful!

  2. They're gorgeous Lucy!! Great idea for your tags this year :)

  3. These are beautiful :-)
    And, I love the photo too - lovely propping Lucy!

  4. Very pretty cards. Very subtle and soft.


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