Sunday 25 January 2015

Questions… and answers and something new!

Hello! Happy Sunday.

A new venture???
First, I just wanted to tell you about something new I've recently added to my shop I've added a section to my shop with some handmade embellishments (made by me).
It's no secret that I love making shaker cards, and I really love adding a mix of things to them. I thought there might be other crafters out there who'd like to do the same, so I put together some "Sparkly Shaker Selections". Each pack contains a 6g mix of seed beads, sequins and different shaped confetti to give your shaker cards a different (and super sparkly) look.
At the movement, I am offering Iridescent White. If you like them (and if anyone buys them), I will make some more colours up too.
(I am particularly excited by a rainbow selection I have started planning…)
Here's a peek:
Sparkly Shaker Selection
I have a few other things available too, including some fabric and paper embellishments - check them out HERE.
And please note, if you are not in the UK I will still ship to you - I just need to get a quote from the post  office. Just send me an email or leave a comment here if you are interested.

Questions and Answers
Recently I've had a few questions left in the comments section of my blog, and as blogger does not give you the option of replying to comments, I thought I'd answer them in a whole post!

Can you please give a size comparison of Simon Says Stamp's Bundle of Stitched Shapes rectangle, and the Stitched Rectangles dies.
Great question… the one I use to create borders for my cards is the Bundle of Stitched Shapes die. The largest rectangle die and the Stitched Shapes dies are actually exactly the same size, but as the rectangle die has a stitched edge on the outside, this makes the inside frame slightly smaller. Just a few millimetres, but smaller nonetheless.

How did you create the stamped background on the Colourful Flowers Happy Birthday card?
I did this totally randomly. I kind of did it in rainbow order - starting with the large flower in Pale Tomato, then adding the other larger flower, then filling in the gaps with the other ones. When I was done, there were still a few spaces, so I added some tiny green stars. I actually created a much larger sheet than this - then I chose my favourite section and die cut the frame from that bit. This one was a freaky one off for me - it worked first time. I've got a card coming up in the next few days with a similar background technique and it took me three attempts to get it right. :) Sometimes it just works… sometimes it does not. :)

Will you make more videos please?
The short answer is no.
But let me explain - it takes me up to 5 hours to create a video. And that is without interruption. My weekdays are spent with my 1 year old and 3 year old. My evenings are spent sketching cards, blogging and planning. And occasionally eating and sleeping. And having the odd conversation with my husband... ;) Come the weekend, when my husband is home, I get to create the many cards I have planned in the week… so fitting in time to make videos is just not possible at the moment, apart from on very special occasions. I am sorry - and I do want to… but for now, I have to prioritise.
Additionally, I find videos really really hard to make… there are so many other people out there making videos that I honestly wonder what more I have to offer.
And that, as they say, is that!

Will you share a photo of your daughters?
I don't really share many photos of my family on my blog - I really keep it for cards. I do share photos on Instagram, but I know many people do not use Instagram. So just for you Gail, there's a little picture for you at the end of this post. :)

How did you do all the die cutting and stitching on THIS card?
This card was way easier to create than it may look…
I just lined the die up on a sheet of white card and ran it though my machine. Then I placed the die below the first cut, but offset rather than perfectly lined up, and I cut again. Then again… lots of times. This created about five rows of hearts. Then, I stuck it to the patterned paper, and die cut it with a square die from THIS set. No real stitching at all! All fake. :)
I hope my explanation is clear enough… next time I make a card like this, I promise I will do a tutorial of sorts. :)

What do you do with older supplies? Sell, keep or give away.
Well… All three. I have an Ebay shop in which I list some things. I keep a lot… and as my daughter is just starting to enjoy stamping, I am glad I have! I give lots of things to my niece who is a new card maker. And I often have giveaways on my blog.

Where do you get all your ideas?
I eat, sleep and dream cards. Well, OK, not exactly, but I do think about card designs a lot. :) And I keep my sketchbooks close at hand for when inspiration strikes. I have been known to sit up suddenly in bed and sketch out a quick cards design by the light of my alarm clock… But mostly, I am inspired by new products. As soon as I see something new, I am totally inspired and often have more card ideas than I can ever create.

OK - that's all from me for today.
Please leave a comment here if you have any questions I have not answered here. I am always happy to answer questions… maybe I do miss teaching a little. :)
Have a happy Sunday.
P.S. For Gail… taken this morning on lovely cold walk along the beach.
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  1. A super post, Lucy! TFS, Jo x

  2. Oh, do I wish I had a complexion as glorious and creamy as these two precious people. Ah well, I can dream, can't I. This was a really lovely Q&A you put together. Thanks.

  3. This isn't really crafty related . . . but I use the embedded comment feature of Blogger and it does allow me to Reply to comments. It's probably not as good Comment functionality in general compared to a different type of blogging platform, but it seems to do okay. Not sure if that's helpful or not, but just thought I'd chime in either way!

  4. Thanks Lucy - they are super cute .I don't blame you for making them a priority - you will have plenty of time for making videos when those cuties are older.hugs gail.

  5. Just checked out instagram photos - love the one with her thumb in her mouth.

  6. Great post Lucy! Even though I didn't ask the questions, I love seeing the answers!!

  7. Thank you for the answers, the one about the stitched borders was great :-)

    Good luck with your new venture and your daughters are adorable.

  8. Lovely daughters! Thank you for all the tips, tricks , lessons. Always so helpfull!


Thanks for your lovely comments. I really appreciate each and every one.