Thursday 25 September 2014

Watercolour Butterfly

Today I have a card to share that I created with lots of products from Simon Says Stamp. It features the new Leaf Background stamp, watercolours, some butterfly dies and a lovely script sentiment. I've included a little watercolour photo tutorial below to show how I use watercolours with heat embossed backgrounds. But first, here's the card:
Happy Birthday by Lucy Abrams
I added a trio of sparkly sequins to the centre of my butterfly. THESE by Neat and Tangled are my new favourites. :)
Happy Birthday (2) by Lucy Abrams
So, here's my little tutorial for you.
First, stamp the Leaf Background on white watercolour paper with Versamark Ink then add white embossing powder and heat set.
Wash over the whole thing with blue watercolour. I use Winsor and Newton's. Then wipe over it with a paper towel to remove the paint from the embossed image.
Watercolour Tutorial by Lucy Abrams - 1
You could leave it like this - it looks lovely as it is - but I like to add some highlights. This technique works really well on backgrounds like this where you can create pools of ink.
Add more ink to a small brush, then colour in small areas of the design. Allow it to pool.
Watercolour Tutorial by Lucy Abrams - 2 
Repeat over the whole design. Don't be alarmed if it looks too dark...
Watercolour Tutorial by Lucy Abrams - 3
When dry, it lightens significantly and looks much more natural. I love the way the darker patches enhance the design and draw the eye.
Watercolour Tutorial by Lucy Abrams - 4 
For my card, I die cut a Paulina Butterfly from the watercoloured panel and a Devonshire Butterfly from cream cardstock.
Watercolour Tutorial by Lucy Abrams - 5
Adhere the butterflies together then adhere the sequins to the centre of the butterfly with Multi Matte Medium. This glue is GOOD. :)
Watercolour Tutorial by Lucy Abrams - 6
And your butterfly is complete. :)
Watercolour Tutorial by Lucy Abrams - 7
I hope that was helpful.
I'll be back soon.
Bye for now.


  1. Stunning card. Love the butterfly.

  2. LOVE THIS!! I will definitely be trying this soon. The blue and white is lovely and those sequins are SO pretty. Thanks Lucy!!

  3. Stunning card Lucy, I love how you did the watercolour part especially and the colours are beautiful xx

  4. Your card is stunning ! The creative dies is so delicate ! Gorgeous card !!

  5. Such a gorgeous finished project! Thank you for showing how it was made. It turned out so soft and lovely.

  6. This is BEAUTIFUL!!!! Thanks so much for the step-by-step. Now I am for sure getting that background stamp! SO PRETTY!!!

  7. I recently purchased this background stamp. I'm going to try this today. I have to find my butterfly die cuts! This is a great elegant way to use them.

  8. your watercoloured background is stunning. Love the colours.

  9. pinned your watercolor technique. I like all of the cards.

  10. Amazing cards! I absolutely wanna learn!


  11. This is beautiful! What a great way to use a background stamp! And I love tip about creating highlights!

  12. Lucy, this is a gorgeous card. I only wish I could use watercolors and get this effect!

  13. beautiful butterfly! well done


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