Saturday 14 June 2014

Happy Father's Day

So I had a mini emergency on Wednesday when I realised I had not made cards for my dad and Father-in-Law… eeek. I thought I was going to have to go and BUY some…
BUT, thanks to some awesome Simon Says Stamp products, and a 20 minute window when both babies were sleeping, I managed to throw together two simple cards.
Here is my design. It is based on a card I made a while ago, and features a fabulous Jumbo Jets die. I cut my jet from some DCWV glitter card stock, and tied on a small heart with some silver thread (the heart is from THIS die). I stamped a Father's Day sentiment from the Father's Day stamp set and Sending Love from the Handwritten Sentiments set.
These Jumbo Jet dies have come to my rescue many times now when I have needed a card for a guy… they are my go-to masculine product. And I think they look lovely in glitter. :)
And the best thing about this design… switch 'Happy Father's Day' for 'Happy Birthday' and you have a masculine birthday card… I can see myself making this design a few more times. :) I find masculine cards so hard!!
Oh, and as it's the 14th June, that means that Simon Says Stamp's July Card Kit is revealed today. And it's a cracker. My all time favourite. SUCH value for money… look at all you get:
Those stamps… swoon.
Anyway - I hope you have a happy weekend. I have lots to make with my July Card Kit… 
Back soon with more.


  1. Awesome card - love the clever use of the heart strapped to the plane for "sending love"!

  2. love the glittery airplane!

  3. Oh, I love how you tied the heart to the plane--so creative!


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