Saturday 1 March 2014

Happily Ever After

I have exciting news… I am the March Guest Deisgner for Clearly Besotted Stamps.
When the owner Stephanie emailed me, I could not believe my luck! Not only are Stephanie's stamps and dies stylish and high quality, but she is absolutely lovely too. AND her Design Team are AWESOME - so many people I love and admire there. So I said a very excited yes, and eagerly awaited my stamps.
And boy was I excited when they arrived. This month's release is stunning!
So, for the next five days I will be playing along with the team and sharing sneak peeks of the new sets until the big reveal on the 5th. I hope you enjoy seeing what I create. :)
Today's card features the Elegant Butterflies set.  Warning: you are going to LOVE and want this set! To make my card, I heat embossed the butterflies on vellum with gold embossing powder then stitched them together. I added them to cardstock misted with a load of Calico Shine and Opaque White Mister Huey's. The sentiment is also in the Elegant Butterflies set. Love the mixed fonts.
I love the look of gold on vellum. So pretty.
More to share tomorrow for Day 2.
But until then… here are a few past projects I created with Clearly Besotted Stamps:

And wanna see what's on my Clearly Besotted wish list? A few of their brand new dies perhaps? 
These products may well be winging their merry way to me as I type… I literally just placed an order. (Who can resist such cuteness) ;)
And if you want to see more teasers, head on over to Stephanie's blog and then check out what the Clearly Besotted DT created too!
Hope to see you tomorrow - happy Saturday.


  1. Congratulations on your Guest DT.Beautiful card that shows Stephanie's beautiful products.Adore the use of velum and the clean lines.As well as the neutral colours.Hugs Debbie x

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! I love the vellum and gold embossed butterflies! Such a perfect card for a wedding or an anniversary.

  3. Oh wow, fabulous work Lucy! Jo x

  4. Once again congratulations Lucy and your card is great indeed that gold is divine on vellum. Ohh my I feel an order coming already.

  5. What a beauty, and so trendy, Lucy! Love it!

  6. Wow! Took my breath away Lucy (I knew it would, there was never any doubt that I would be blown away by you) and your sweet words have made me one happy lady today <3 Thank you so very much :)

  7. Hi Lucy
    Fabulous card.... Love those Butterflies.....
    Congrats on your DT.... Well deserved
    Hugs Sylvie xxx

  8. Such a pretty card Lucy - I love the splatters (i'm really into splattering of late!!). Great to have you as our teamie this month!!

  9. love those stitched butterflies!

  10. Totally gorgeous! Love your card - can't wait to see the rest of your creations this week. Enjoying the guest DT spot! x

  11. Oh my! These are gorgeous, Lucy...sooo elegant!

  12. Congratulations on being a guest designer for CBS. Beautiful card. I love the gold embossing on vellum

  13. This card just oozes elegance and I think those butterflies look like a must for me. Congrats on the GDT and just off to look at your other cards. x

  14. I so love the vellum butterflies you have created - gorgeous! I look forward to more fab creations from you with Clearly Besotted Stamps - I am a big fan of their lovely products :)

  15. Stunning card Lucy, love the butterflies in gold. So lovely to have you with us this month :) xx

  16. Congrats on your GD spot with CB; you work magic with Stephanie's products! Your card here: stunning! Yes, my wish list will be very, very long. Thank you for sharing links to your other CB-inspired creations. They are amazing!!

  17. Congrats! Stephanie is on top with trendy stamps and u with your trendy techniques. Perfect match. Have fun.

  18. congratulations Lucy. those butterflies look gorgeous...I will have to try embossing on vellum x

  19. Beautiful card, love it. x

  20. this card is stunning! The neutral colors and the gold embossing make a perfect pair.


Thanks for your lovely comments. I really appreciate each and every one.