Thursday 6 March 2014

Available now...

Hooray - all the Clearly Besotted Stamps products that I have been creating with this week are now available. You can get them at the Clearly Besotted website, or over at Simon Says Stamp. I think Stephanie may have sold out of some of the sets already (no surprise there - they are AWESOME), but it looks like Simon has them in stock still.
So here they are, in their full glory. I've added links to them in the two different stores below:

Elegant Butterflies:

Fabulous Fuchsias:

Take Flight:

And Stephanie released three other sets too: the super cute Good Times, Furry Friends and Lovely Labels. Worth checking out. :)
So - did you buy anything?
I'll be back tomorrow with a new card. 
See you then.


  1. Yes, yes, lucky me stayed up yesterday so I was in time ordering almost the whole release............ Can't wait to play with them.

  2. Thank you Lucy...i placed my first order with Clearly besotted stamps after seeing your posts and designs. It's great too as they are in the Uk x x


Thanks for your lovely comments. I really appreciate each and every one.