Friday 20 December 2013

Nesting, nesting, nesting...

OK, so my nesting has taken over. Not content with filling the freeze with veggie chilli, veg lasagna and mince pies (yum), I've also spent a while sorting out my Folksy shop. And that involved adding a PILE of new cards, some of which I've not shared here.
So, whilst I've not had the energy to create anything new this week, I do have something to share. It's something I made for a publication call that was not selected.
Lots of Studio Calico on this one - love these cute wood boats. I coloured them in with Copics to match the vellum sentiment (HERE), then added shine with a glitter pen. The sentiment is created with stamps from THIS and THIS set.
I added LOTS of Calico Shine Mister Huey's to the kraft card for shimmer and shine.
And here's a glimpse at a few of the other cards in my shop… click on the pictures to go to the shop.
Bye for now.

1 comment:

  1. So cute Lucy, you can come and nest here any day :) I so need a lot of things done, hugs


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