Saturday 5 October 2013

Happy World Card Making Day... and a giveaway.

Today is World Card Making Day, and Studio Calico are joining in the celebrations. They have a fab promotion available (HERE) along with some fun card challenges with prizes and even the opportunity to win a spot as a guest designer for a month in 2014. FUN!!
So the challenges are as follows:
Challenge 1 - Mood Board
Challenge 2 - Ombre
Challenge 3 - Use Your Scraps
Challenge 4 - Take 5
Challenge 5 - Sketches
So I played along with Challenge 4 - Take 5, and created a very colourful card with my Antiquary Kits that uses 5 different patterned papers. The red and orange are from the Card Kit (as are the sentiment stamps), the blue and yellow are from that gorgeous piece of Printshop paper in the Rome Add On, and the ampersand paper and green paper (as well as the gorgeous flower stamp) are from the Athens Add On. Repeat stamping like this is an awesome way to use up lots of itty bitty paper scraps that you might otherwise throw away. :) 
I love a rainbow card. :)
I hope you get a chance to play along... Entering is easy, just upload any cards you create to the SC gallery and then go to the challenge page and leave a link to your card in the comments section. Enter lots of times and you have more chance of winning. Yay!

-------------------------------------- GIVEAWAY --------------------------------------

And to celebrate WCMD, how about a little giveaway.
I will send a mystery package of goodies to a randomly chosen commenter on this post. It will have lots of yummies in it, I promise. Just leave me a comment telling me if you are planning on creating anything this WCMD...
Deadline for entries is Wednesday 9th October. 
Bye for now.


  1. Gorgeous card as always and to celebrate WCMD I have posted a tutorial of a shaker card on my blog. Thanks for the opportunity to win some goodies from the goodness of your heart. xx

  2. Love your card! You did great with the challenge.
    I'm hoping to play along with some challenges today for WCMD.

  3. Happy WCMD everyone. What a gorgeous birthdaycard here Lucy. Great coloring as always and with such gorgeous colors on it too.

  4. Wow! Love your card - very pretty. I hope to have time to make one today - but my daughter sometimes gets in the way! lol

  5. I love your cards Lucy and your blog has been a constant source of inspiration for me over the years. I hope to get a few cards done this weekend too.

  6. Gorgeous card! I would love to win some goodies from you! Thank you!

  7. This card is absolutely gorgeous. It is so FALL. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies.

  8. I really like your card! And you're right, it would be a great way to use up scraps. I plan to immerse myself in cardmaking today & get a collection to pull from when an occasion pops up!

  9. What a glorious card, Lucy! I have just participated in the HA Flickr group Scramble (#70). Just finishing tidying up the post scramble mess - then make some more cards ....and mess, no doubt ;oP

  10. Beautiful choice of colors-happy wcmd everyone.

  11. Hi Lucy. I love this card - the colours, the stamp and the rainbow of flowers go together really well. I am currently making some cards to sell in aid of my church. 3 today so far! Hope you are keeping well. x

  12. so nice of you to do a give away!

  13. Happy WMCD!! I love the way you stamped on patterned papers - looks so cool! I will try and create later but have a pretty packed day ...

  14. HAPPY WCMD!!!Awesome card,Thanks for sharing!!

  15. Beautiful card. I will be making some sympathy cards and maybe some halloween cards today. Thanks for the chance to win.

    craftymom205 at yahoo dot com

  16. Just love your card and the orange paper. I am all ready to make a bunch of cards today! Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. Happy WCMD... Unfortunately, I'm not at home and my stuff wasn't in a "packable" state. I'll make something tomorrow and call it World Card Making Weekend. :-)

  18. Beautiful card with all the lovely colours, Lucy! Will try to catch up with my Christmas cards!

  19. Cards, as ever, look great!
    I am planning on "using my scraps," always nice to have fancy photographs for Xmas presents!

  20. Such a gorgeous card- like it lots as always with your cards. You are a breath of fresh air to me, such inspiration. TFS
    Trish x

  21. Love your card - rainbows are fabulous! I've already made a couple cards today and hope to play along with some of the SC challenges. What a fun day!

  22. Lucy, this card is gorgeous. Love ther brightness and choice of papers. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway! I'm hoping to get in my stamp room shortly.

  23. I should make a card because I love them so much. It's great seeing other peoples creations as well

  24. Love your card!! I made a Halloween card today. I wanted to do more but not enough time!

  25. Love your card and the vibrant colors! I've made some cards today for WCMD and need to get them uploaded to the SC gallery!

  26. love all the patterns and colors on this card. I wish i could make something today but i am studying for a big test. :(

  27. lovely card ...

    I hope to - I have so many cards to make .... but the day is slipping away!
    Sandra ltb

  28. Happy WCMD! Gorgeous card, love the colors! I plan on spending the day crafting!

  29. Beautiful card! I love these colors!

    I was planning on crafting but an unplanned trip to the vet with my dog took up most of the day.

  30. fabulous card, I'd better stop procrastinating then!

  31. Wow, this is such a beautiful card! I really love all the paper pieced flowers and the wonderful colors you used. I spent today making cards for some of my crafting friends!

  32. I started a card today, I will finish it when I get my Distress Clear Rock Candy glitter later this week :) Thanks for the chance to win some goodies!

  33. Wow gorgeous! Love those flowers! I actually was celebrating my sons 5th Birthday but my sweet hubby is letting me craft tomorrow, yay for family time and crafting!

  34. Lovely card! Beautiful colors!
    I am making a set of 14 ATCs for a swap I have coming up on Tuesday! Happy WCMD to all!

  35. Thanks for sharing your beautiful card on World Cardmaking Day! And thanks also for the chance.

  36. Thanks for the giveaway! I wish I could say I did something on WCMD--but I was busy all day and am just now catching up on all the fun...oh well...

  37. I did some Birthday cards for my nephews.

  38. I was hoping to create for a bit but my kids and I aren't feeling well today. :( Maybe next year.

  39. What a pretty card! I actually got one card made for WCMD! I card craft quite a bit so most days are my own personal WCMD ;o)

  40. lovely card I will be playing along too and thank you for a giveaway :)


  41. Dang ... every year the cardmaking day falls on our Open House at the fire station, where I help fun the bake sale. And I always come home too exhausted to play. But I'll be playing and making cards today, for sure.

  42. Love the vivid colors of this card, Lucy! Who wouldn't love receiving a card like this?? Thanks for the chance to win some goodies.

  43. dear Lucy, how are you...I am looking to your blog....and you are busy every day one card and one post oh could you do that beside working dear Lucy...two thumbs for you dear...and I love this card too love the brightness and the color always stitched your very dilligent...I was creating one card and I forgot really that was a WMCD but I made a card for friends bday.....I wish I can more often to come and stop by your blog....big hugs from Munich, Monika

  44. I love your card Lucy!

    I am making Thanksgiving cards right now, because we will be celebrating Thanksgiving next weekend in here in Canada.

  45. What a lovely card! Thanks for the inspiration! I visited my LSS where they were demo'ing a card. :o)

  46. Great vivid colors...I love it! Your card is gorgeous!

  47. Wish I had time to play but not for awhile! Just time to check everyone else's lovely work!

    Kris in Alaska
    funamom at yahoo dot com

  48. Wonderful card,Thanks for the chance to win!!

  49. cute as card Lucy, I did manage three cards on Sunday afternoon here in NZ... so technically still Sat in the other side of the world!

  50. Awesome card! Love the colors.
    Thank you for the chance to win your mystery candy :)

  51. Your card is lovely Lucy:-) I made birthday cards for my niece & nephew who celebrate their birthdays 6 days apart:-) So fun!!!!

  52. Great card, I love the colors. Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win!

  53. Happy belated World Card Making Day, Lucy!

    Hope I can win your amazing giveaway.



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