Saturday 15 September 2012

Paper Doll

Hi!  Sorry for my long absence - I've been on holiday and there was NO internet connection at all! And no phone, no TV... bliss! ;)
Anyway... so when I was a little girl I used to LOVE paper dolls. I really loved cutting them out, dressing them up, and those sweet little flaps to secure the clothes in place...
So guess how happy I was when I saw Hero Arts latest digikit... a whole Paper Dolls Digikit! I mean how cute can you get???
So I got to it, and made a card I'd have liked to receive as a kid.
I put the doll and clothes into a little acetate pocket that I stitched to the paper. The clothes were all printed onto papers from Echo Park's Sweet Day digikit.
I have another card to share with this kit - back soon!


  1. What a fabulous card! Great stitching, too. I used to enjoy playing with paper dolls as a youngster also. They never go out of style.

  2. What a great idea! That acetate pocket makes the card a perfect gift. I would have love it... Remember the Betsy McCall paper dolls? lol

  3. What a fabulous card Lucy. I used to love paper dolls when I was little. Hope you enjoyed your holiday.

    Sarah x

  4. Gorgeous card!
    Love the idea, i'de love to have got this as a kid as well! ;)


  5. Oh my, I want to play with this...totally gorgeous Lucy, takes me back to those days! Hugs!

  6. I made a card with a similar kit last year here but mine was so fiddly to construct, I might have a go at your way instead!

  7. I loved those dolls too - this is great Lucy! Jo x

  8. Such a perfect idea. Love the paper piecing on the dresses!

  9. What a great idea for a card for a little girl - makes it a gift too.

  10. Oh my gosh what a darling idea!

  11. Woowwwwww this card is so great!!
    What a brilliant idea :)
    This will make little girl very happy!


  12. Love this!!! I saw this the other day on Two Peas and I was on the fence about it because of the colored printing. Love your idea to print on patterned paper!!! Genius! And I love the acetate holder for the card!!! Sheer brilliance!!! :)


Thanks for your lovely comments. I really appreciate each and every one.