Sunday 18 December 2011

Red Blooms

Hi everyone: I have had this post scheduled for a while... so before you all think I'm back in the studio already, I am not!!!   I am enjoying snuggling with my little one too much at the moment. :)
But because I love The Ribbon Girl, I made this card before Lily's arrival so I didn't miss the challenge.  Hope you play along...
On to the scheduled post:
It's time for a new Ribbon Girl colour challenge, and this month the colours are red, cream and black. Yum.
My card is made using Hero Arts gorgeous Dogwood stamp.  Love this stamp. I simply stamped it onto some lovely patterned paper, then again onto red cardstock and paper pieced.  I added some red seam binding and button twine, and some pretty pearly buttons, then rounded the corners to finish.  A very simple card. Sometimes simple stamping is so pretty. :)
Hope you get a chance to enter the challenge - there'll be a fab prize as always!
Have a great day.


  1. It is so gorgeous, Lucy! Love the deep red dogwood!

  2. It is simply beautiful Lucy and you keep snuggling with that little bundle of joy!

  3. Such a beautiful card Lucy. Enjoy your snuggling!

  4. This is so beautiful Lucy!!!! Love that color combo, I hope I can find some time to play along :)

  5. Gorgeous, super bold and so pretty Lucy - glad you are enjoying Lily!

  6. This is beautiful, Lucy! I love this color combo, it's so elegant!

  7. What a really gorgeous card - the colour combination is so lovely. Hope you have a happy Christmas

  8. Absolutely gorgeous card!!! :)


Thanks for your lovely comments. I really appreciate each and every one.