Sunday 16 October 2011

Lilac and Green... mmmmmm

It's time for a new challenge over at The Ribbon Girl Blog.  And this month the colours are Lilac and Green... making me miss summertime. :)
Here's my card:
I used some of their gorgeous May Arts striped Grosgrain ribbon, and layered some Lilac Seam Binding on top.  The flower is a delicious Hero Arts embellishment, and the sentiment is Papertrey Ink.  The gorgeous papers are both from Lily Bee's Picket Fence 6 x 6 pad. So cute.  Oh, and I used some Hero Arts Lilac Layering Paper to create the card base - I turned it inside out to make the inside pretty too... a Jennifer McGuire trick! :)
So, the challenge is to create a lilac and green card, enter it HERE and be in with a chance of winning lots of yummy ribbony goodness. AND a Lili of the Valley gift certificate.
Good luck - hope you enter. :)


  1. Aren't these colors so lovely together?! Beautiful patterns, Lucy! Love this!

  2. That certainly is a yummy colour combo, Jo x

  3. Fabulous, Lucy - the ribbons are very glamourous!

  4. Oh boy! Those colors are so beautiful together! Stunning card Lucy!

  5. the colours are lovely together.


Thanks for your lovely comments. I really appreciate each and every one.