Friday 22 October 2010

Christmas Star

Hi!  I have 2 cards to share today!!!
First, here's a little card I made using gorgeous Penny Black stamps.
On this card, I took only a tiny fragment of a much larger stamp to make a mini card.
Here is the stamp I used - Royal Greeting:
And here is my card!

See, I used JUST the tiny little bird on top of the post box. :)
Be Merry
I coloured the birds using Prismacolors, perched them on a stitched line, and added a sentiment from THIS Penny Black set.  I added a tiny bit of glitter with a Spica pen to finish.
Be Merry - Close-Up
And secondly, I LOVE this Penny Black stamp... So versatile.
It's the same one I used for THIS card. 
Poinsettia - Close-Up
Here, I just stamped onto some Papertrey Ink paper, added a pool of Glossy Accents to the centre and added a pile of beads.  The sentiment is from THIS set.
I'm pretty addicted to kraft at the moment... and distress inks...
Penny Black are sponsoring the current Caardvarks challenge... don't forget to check it out HERE and make a card.  There'll be some awesome prizes!
And holidays!  I have a whole WEEK starting NOW!!!


  1. These are both fabulous, Lucy! Love the kraft and red together and your yummy pile of beads too. :)

  2. Someone please catch me, I'm swoooooooooooooning! Jo x

  3. Oh that little birdie is so cute. I love the way they sit on the stitched line.
    Both cards are great.

  4. I love both of these! Your cards are always amazing and these 2 are no exception!

  5. Hi Lucy...
    What a very clever idea..I just love that line of Robins! Gorgeous Krafts card! Reminds me of the cards you buy in Paperchase.

  6. Wow! You must have the patience of Job to cut out all those tiny little birds. So cute!
    Gorgeous Poinsettia card.

  7. gorgeous cards Lucy... so much work in the little one but oh so effective!!!!

  8. Lucy, those little birds are just the cutest! And your flower is stunning with the beautiful beads!

  9. Awwww...the cute little birdies made me smile. Both projects are FAB!

  10. the little bird in a row card is sooooooo super cute! love it!

  11. so cute lucy! i love your style!!

    enjoy your week off! happy crafting!

  12. Teehee very cute, it reminds me of a Pixar cartoon.
    The second card is stunning, your cutting out is perfect :o)

  13. What an eye you have--clever, clever clever. That little bird is adorable and so are your cards.

  14. Both cards are wonderful but the little birds are the cutest ever! Someone will have a big smile on their face when they open the envelope!

  15. Love them both but the little birds are so adorable. What a brilliant idea!

  16. What a simple but brilliant touch with that line of stitching. Adorable!

  17. Super cute and creative on your first card, love that! What great inspiration to derive from one stamp. Love the elegance on your second card!

  18. FAb! YOu've made me look at all my stamps differently & I'll be trying to use just tiny elements now too!

  19. Oh gosh, that string of little birdies makes up the cutest card I've seen so far this entire holiday season! So sweet! And what a cool way to use a stamp in a new and different way!

    Love it!


Thanks for your lovely comments. I really appreciate each and every one.