Monday 12 April 2010


I love the shabby style of card making.  It matches my ideal design style perfectly.  But boy is it hard to achieve.  For some reason, lace and me just don't work.  And I find it so hard to avoid straight lines, right angles, clean cuts... what does that say about me.
But today I tried.
Sadly, I ended up with a straight edged, right angled card.
The thought was there.
I used THIS gorgeous Prima cardstock, it's double sided and I used both sides.  And I used THIS yummy stamp, my new favourite.
Hope you've had a good Monday - teaching was fun today. :)


  1. LOVE this card!
    I'd say that makes you a perfectionist...takes one to know one! ;)

  2. What a lovely card.... You go with your instincts- and remember there are never mistakes in crafting - just
    Uniqueness and your cards are great!

  3. Beautiful card! Love the softness of it!

  4. So pretty, Lucy! I just picked up this paper this weekend! Love how you used it!

  5. It's shabbiness ala Lucy! Love this--very vintage and very chic!

  6. ahhhhh what an elegant design - love it Lucy!!!!

  7. Such a pretty card Lucy! I love everything about!

  8. LOL! Well I still think you have Shabby Chic cracked, even with the straight edges and right angles! Maybe it's the teacher in your that commands such straight lines?! ;D

  9. Beautiful card Lucy, Love your shabby chic look.

  10. Oh my, this is gorgeous. Love that paper and the butterfly and touch of lace is over the top beautiful. TYSMFS!

  11. Pshaw.. don't be hard on yourself :p
    I love what you ended up with. The lace adds a beautiful touch and the butterflies are so elegant.

  12. wow! this is gorgeous! i LOVE it! it's shabby chic "Lucy Style"!!! =)

  13. I love everything you create girl, and this is no exception! Beautiful!

  14. You achieved shabby quite nicely! Love the softness!

  15. That card is certainly shabby and chic enough for me :)

  16. Love your shabby chic card! I think your right angles and shabby colors, patterns, and paper are a fresh combination! :)

  17. Lucy this is gorgeous! I love the lace and those notched corners.

  18. Lucy, your talent just blows me away! I can't believe how hard you are on yourself! Your amazing and I am so inspired by your work all the time!! This card is perfection!

    And that prima dp is to die for! YUMMY! :)

    Great work my friend! :)

  19. Love this paper and card Lucy! Did you ink that pink butterfly background on the top LH corner paper or was it already there? I am not a real shabby chic type either as I want everything parallel etc! So I don't even try so you have done well.

  20. Lucy this is gorgeous! I'm not really a shabby chic person either bu I think you did shabby chic perfectly! :)

  21. I like this card very much. Love the colours even though I don't use colours like these much. Just looks so elegant and stylish. Love that stamp too it's really nice

  22. That's how a "perfectionist" does shabby LOL!!! A REAL BEAUTY Lucy!!!
    xo TRace


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