Monday 8 February 2010

Big BLUE Owl

OK so I had to try out the Big Blue Owl... I can't resist making a card using every colour.  Here's more of the FAB grid paper from Shelley Castillo's Spring Fling.
And my sister in law gave me these nesties for my birthday.  How CUTE!!!
Image, notecard, stamp - Hero Arts; PP - Shelley Castillo; Nesties - Blossom.
Another card for Jennifer's Cards for Kids drive. :)


  1. I thought I didn't need that stamp....*sigh*. Another one to add to my list - I love this card. But then I love all of your cards!

  2. LOVE that owl!!! Adorable card! What a nice sister-in-law!! Don't you just have to have ALL those Nesties!!

  3. Love your cute owl card Lucy. Lucky you more nesties, don't you just love them!!

  4. Adorable, Lucy! I must have the digi owls and those cute Nesties! TFS!

  5. So sweet! Love the blue owl and love that background!

  6. Wow Lucy! I didn't think I could love anything more than the Pink Owl...but this guy sure is great too! Beautiful card!! :)

    I have an amazing sister in law too! You know her....It's Nathalia!!! :) Lucky me right? She lets me "shop" at her house when I can visit and If I am really lucky I can sit down and craft with her and hope she rubs some of that amazing talent all over me!! lol!
    It's great when you have awesome SIL's huh?? :)

    Happy Monday

  7. I love your owl! I've had this stamp myself for a little bit and couldn't decide what to do with it. Thanks for the fun and funky inspiration. :)

  8. this is so adorable, Lucy!!! love your big owl!! congrats on the new Nesties!! =)

  9. Very cute, love the new nesties!!

  10. This is so far beyond cute! I adore your blog!! I just added you into my reader so I can come back! Hugs!

  11. Yay! Love this little owl and do I detect some subtle shimmer going on with those cute feathers???? Jo x

  12. Gorgeous owl and I just love the colours. I love all your cards but especially owls.

  13. Hello again Lucy! What a cute card for any kid!

  14. This is so pretty Lucy! I love the glittery owl!

  15. Simply beautiful, Lucy! You are sure going to put a smile on the kid's face!! Love it!!


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