Thursday 16 April 2009

2Peas Challenge

I've only recently worked out 2Peas, it's such a massive site and I'm a bit technologically challenged.  But I love so many of the artists over there that I had to get involved. :)

So tonight I made a card based on a sketch by Kristia Werner (see here).  I created it for the Hero Arts My Message challenge - using 4 different stamp sets to create the sentiment...

The stamps I used: CL150 - Heartfelt Messages (wishing you) 
CL266 - Mix and Match Elements (the best) 
CL277 - Birthday Frames and Messages (birthday)
CL130 - Frames and Messages (ever - made out of the word enjoy, very very difficult and impossible to make perfect. Grrrrr.) 
K4892 - Decorative Birds (image cut out and reversed.)

I used pattered paper samples from Papertrey Ink, available here to try before you buy. Have printed off a few samples to try out. Love it. I also used my new Nestabilities frames.


  1. Hi Lucy this is a lovely card. I agree with you on the grrrr thing. I have lots of trouble getting things to line up properly. I have extremely wonky eyes I've decided.

  2. Wow, it's soooo pretty. Prettier than Kristina's.

  3. Hi Lucy, I found your blog through Jennifer's. I think we must be tied as her biggest fan :o) I actually alwasy joke that I am her stalker! lol. Your cards are just amazing, I love them all. Will definitely be checking back here often for lots of inspiration!

  4. Love that sketch--you totally rocked it!

  5. awesome work Lucy. Love what you have done with the sketch. I especially like the stitching round the card- very classy

  6. PS - have noted your card on my blog with the link to Papertrey. Hope you don't mind.

  7. pretty Lucy! So much fun trying new stuff too! You did a great job with all the various sentiments and I love how you curved it partially, great effect!


Thanks for your lovely comments. I really appreciate each and every one.